Page 18 - National_Foundation_Maccabi_Giving_Day_Brochure_2022
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We are grateful for the support provided to us                                                                 Your contribution will be directed to one of the
                by our Community, Philanthropic Foundations,                    HOW YOU                                                           Key Programs listed –
                and our Corporate partners, and recognise                                                                        the support required for each is as follows;
                them at both a National and State level.                       CAN HELP

                                                                                                                                                        LE A R N  ENGAGE  A L I G N  D EVEL O P

            Maccabi Club Sport        Maccabi Life            All Abilities          Maccabiah         Member Protection      Women in Sport           Leadership

             Grow our sporting presence   Improved physical and   Encourage participation for   Provide Australia’s best   Rollout and implementation   Build our female   Offer our future leadership
              and capability – improve   mental health to 25,000   every person regardless of   Jewish athletes an   of improved training tools    participation to at least 40%   program  and youth
               coaching and facilities  people community      skill or capability  opportunity to participate   to provide a safe   of our membership and   leadership programs to 50
             Build the Pathways program                                           internationally and build   environment to our   develop programs   candidates across the
                   nationally                                                   strong connections with Israel  9000 members        nationally            country
                 $300k                 $100k                   $50k                  $200k                  $65k                  $50k                  $50k

                   annually               annually               annually            every 4 years            annually              annually              annually

                                                                 We are proud partners with the ASF, and all donations to the Maccabi Foundation are tax deductible.
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