Page 3 - q3 2020
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Greetings Members!
It seems like the only thing hotter than the Florida sun right now is the SWFL market and our agents have been busy making up for lost sales in March/April. It’s impressive, especially during this time of year which is typically considered to be the “slow” period for our market but we have been steadily bleeding inventory. The Bonita Springs-Estero area alone is showing an estimated 3.6 months of supply which is the lowest it’s been since August 2015 (Don’t believe me? Check it out for yourself on Market stats). If you have a friend or family member that has been wait- ing for that “right time to sell” – You may want to give them a call.
Tis’ the season for staying off social media and loving your friends and family unconditionally. We are coming up on the 2020 U.S. Election and during these times it can be nerve-wracking or upsetting to many, but it’s important to be involved now and have your voice heard. “We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate” (Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President). For this reason, I urge every Realtor member to go out and vote for this election but don’t stop there! Local and state elections are important too! Time and time again we see many issues come around that affect our industry and you owe it to yourself to get your voice heard. Go out and vote!
Lastly, I wanted to mention that we’ve been hearing agents express more and more frustration when dealing with other Realtors in the last few months. I know it has been a hard year for many of us, but it is important to remember that as Realtors we are here to help make our client’s biggest fifinancial decision and part of that process is working with other agents and being available. Let’s all make sure we are being the best Realtors we can be and if you see someone struggling or having a hard time let us nicely nudge them and remind them of how we should hold ourselves professionally.
I wish you all the best and hope that everyone has a successful rest of the year!’
Table of
 Dena Wilcoxen
Bonita Springs-Estero
REALTORS® President
For magazine advertising opportunities please email
                4 MLS FAQ
6 FL Amendment 5
8 B.E.S.T Designation 10 Q3 Market Stats
11-12 Voting History
12-13 Home Sweet
Florida: Homestead’s Beautiful Benefits Part 1: Initial Qualifications for Homestead
15-16 Social Media Marketing 101
18 Realtor® Rant 20 How to Vote
23 Amendment 6
REALTOR® Review Committee: Commitee Chair: Ned Hale, Brent Greer, Kevin Weinkauff

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