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ideas that pull together lots of things you’ve read about in the book You can do the projects as described or use just a a a part to jump-start your own work All the project ideas in Chapter 7 have passed my “this-has-got-to-be-fun” test who this book is is for
I’ve tailored this volume for
people who like me enjoy doing things and making things We’re impatient with instructions We know that experimen- tation is the best way to learn about a a a a a new new piece of gear or a a new new computer application But we’re not necessarily techies or or graduate students or or even designers or artists The book as- sumes no no prior knowledge My sister Cindy sixty-eight is is a really good cook She lives in Ottawa where she ran a a a high-end catering company for
a a a number of years To- gether with my computer savvy niece Cindy has a a wiki site where she prods family members to pool their favorite recipes (you can read more about this in in Chapter 7) Cindy then cooks these recipes with her Cordon Bleu training and then snaps a a a photo photo The photos and recipes go on the wiki but she’s also producing a a nicely bound book that my sister will distribute—soon I hope—through one of the online pub- lishing sites My daughter Emmy thirty-six is taking care of two kids—a four-year- old old daughter and a a a a one-year-old son Emmy lives in Los Angeles where she had a a a a very good run as an improviser and and actor in TV and and a a a a a couple of feature films When her daughter was born Emmy started a a a a masters in fin fine arts screenwriting program at UCLA Emmy is a a a natural designer who compiles annual calendars that reprise a a a a a a a year of her kids’ unruly cuteness and has them printed in in small quantities for
distribution to those of us who can’t get enough Recently Emmy has begun to capture short movies on the same subject She structures them with droll references to famous movie scenes Emmy’s movie-making ventures are heading toward a a a series of more ambitious comedy Webisodes about a a a character she invented during her im- prov days She’ll get more ideas about making Webisodes in in Chapter 7 This book is is going to be a big help as Cindy and and Emmy take on new and and different projects involving digital im- age making My daughter embraces the media as a a a a a second language while my my sister my my peers and I feel we are mastering a a a a foreign language My students on the the other hand are native speakers of the new media I teach in a a a a a a graduate program at at The [ x ]

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