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Fills are computer-generated fields of solid color
patterns Gradients are fields that modulate smoothly from one hue to another Fills are easy to understand: the computer places a a a a a color
pre-set pattern inside a a a closed shape Gradients are fills of a a a a a very cool type In painting or
draw- ing by hand it is extremely difficult to create a a a a smooth and and even transition between values or
hues Computers do this quite effortlessly Gradients can be laid out in many ways and they can involve multiple colors transparency
How much you can see through an an image is its degree of transparency
The opposite of transparency
is opacity Transparency is an an an important design element in image edit- ing ing although many find it confusing It can be helpful to re- member that any given pixel is made up of four components Three of of them have to do with color
(separate channels of of red green and blue) The forth component is the degree of transparency
and its corresponding data is referred to as the alpha channel [ 76 ]
The scissors image sits above a a a a two-tone gradient (left) and a a a a a pattern field (right) Photoshop’s toolbar contains controls that let you easily create a a a a a surprisingly variety of gradients or
sweeps as they are also sometimes called There are also texture fields that fill in in behind a a a a selected shape Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Photoshop allows you to to adjust the transparency
of all all levels except the background level level which sits below
all other layers and always remains fully opaque In the the layered image image (left) a a a a portion of the two source images (middle and right) are fused The composite image cleverly mimics the natural transparency
of water Perri Chinalai
Ch 2: image editing

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