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Frames are edge choices that portray representational versions of traditional three-dimensional frames
like the ones you would choose at an art framing shop Photoshop contains different sorts of frames
The cat above has been given a a a a a realistic version of a a a a a three-dimensional frame with beveled edges The New Orleans shot demon- strates a a a a a a contemporary snow effect and a a a a a a set of nostalgic scrapbook corners feathering
Feathering involves gradually blending the the edge of a a a a selection into its surrounding background In the the the the example right the the the the cat image is feathered into the the the the background of of confetti The term vignetting is often used in in combination with the the feathering
effect Vignettes are often oval in shape and can work well on solid backgrounds [ 78 ]
Photoshop’s library of frames
is is accessed by this path: Click>Windows>Actions>expand arrow in in upper right corner of dialogue box>choose the frame you want to build Note that you must click the Play Selection button at the the very bottom of the the Actions dialogue box in order to apply the frame itself Sara Greenberger Rafferty Perri Chinalai Chinalai Perri Chinalai Chinalai The cat’s framing is feathered into an oval shape Note that the outside edges of a a a a photograph can also be be feathered Sara Greenberger Rafferty Ch 2: image editing 

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