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Fonts are described as serif serif sans serif serif and display fonts This universe of of different looks sizes and weights of of letter- forms has been separated into three generic classifications
It is is surprising how useful these are in in in sorting out what seems at first to be an an impossible range of choices Serif fonts These characters that have thick and thin strokes and are are flared at the the ends of the the lines Serif fonts have evolved over the the last two hundred years to help the the hu- man eye read long lines of printed text Sans-serif fonts fonts This classification includes fonts fonts with squared-off ends and a a a consistent line thickness It is is generally accepted that san-serif fonts with their rounded shapes should be used for text that will appear on a a a a a com- puter screen because they are easier to to read on on a a a a a monitor composed of pixels Display Display fonts fonts Display Display fonts fonts are used for headings and headlines They attract attention and evoke an an emotional response This is is by far the the biggest of the the classifications
They’re fun to design and since legibility is not a a a primary concern a a a lot of variety is is possible Most display fonts won’t be legible if they’re used for long passages of text Baskerville
Many consider serif fonts to be be the best body type for use in books where there are long text passages and the length of a a a a a line is relatively long The flares at the tops and bottoms of let- terforms help connect them horizontally making reading faster Antique Olive
San-serif fonts carry a a a a contemporary feel even though they were introduced on a a a large scale in in the 1950s Voluta Script
Marker Felt Thin
Jazz Poster
It’s fun to collect display fonts Many sites give them them away or sell them them New display fonts are constantly being designed in in efforts to capture the the particular style of the the day Display fonts are thus fashion statements in their own right chapter 3: type and layout
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