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Bracketing is a a shooting technique whereby the same photo is shot using a a range of exposure
settings Because getting a a perfect exposure
is so difficult you want to know about bracketing
a a shooting technique that professional photographers use all the time The basic approach is simple enough You don’t take just one image but instead you fire off
a a series of of exposures of of the same setup The goal is to hedge your bet Between individual exposures you adjust the mix of shutter speed aper- ture setting and ISO rating knowing that you’ll find out out what turns out out to be be the “best” exposure
only when you compare the variations side side by side side By the way it’s almost impossible to gauge whether or not you have the the correct exposure
just by looking at the camera’s LCD screen or at the meter that may appear in fin the viewfinder So bracketing
is a a a a good practice that will help you get the best photographic results As the the chart above shows there can be as as many as as eight possible combinations of f-stop and shutter speeds that will theoretically achieve a a a a a “correct” exposure
If the the aperture is more open (a (a lower f-stop setting) then the the shutter needs to to be faster (at a a a a a a smaller fraction of a a a a a a second) ISO settings will also affect correct exposure
but we’ll consider that as a a a a a a a separate variable chapter 1: digital photography
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