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Apple i-Photo The Source List provides a a listing of of the entire library of of im- ported photos and and and video clips and and and also lists slide shows and and and other items you create The Information Panel shows data for for individual images: size date key- words rating Note that Show Photo Info produces data about a a a a a a a shot’s image file camera and and exposure The Toolbar has sections for editing and and organizing (left) and and sharing (center and and right) The Viewing Area switches views depend- ing ing ing ing ing on tasks like organizing editing images making a a a a a a slide or or building an an iWeb site The The Size Slider adjusts the thumbnails from tiny to larger The The Picture Shortcuts Pane provides express lanes to to folders that contain your photos and other graphics Apple’s iPhoto ’08
Apple’s iPhoto comes free when you buy a a a Macintosh computer It is part of of of the iLife suite of of of integrated soft- ware that includes iPhoto iTunes iMovie iWeb and and Garage Band Good stuff!
chapter 1: digital photography [ 53 ]

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