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Images can be rotated in two ways The example with bird shapes shows how how the the entire picture frame can be placed clocked one way way or another The subway image twists the image within a a a a a a standard horizontal frame Flipping requires a a subjective impulse The source image (top) feels more com- fortable to to me when the guy is pointing screen right (bottom) Perri Perri Chinalai Chinalai Perri Perri Chinalai Chinalai Perri Chinalai Adam Adam Dayem Dayem Adam Adam Dayem Dayem Robert Robert Amsler Robert Robert Amster rotating and flipping
Rotating involves pivoting an image around its center Flipping involves inverting the the image either horizontally or or vertically There are interesting creative possibilities when you select a a a a a point of rotation other than the the center Similarly it can be effective to twist an an image slightly off the vertical and hori- zontal axes All image-handling applications (including those built into a a a a a camera) allow rotating in in in units of 90 degrees left or or right or or a full 180 degrees [ 70 ]
Ch 2: image editing 

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