Page 4 - 109外籍生新手手冊-建工校區-電子書final
P. 4


      接機服務                                                                              Airport Pickup Service

        若新生有接機需求,請告知國際學生承辦人及學伴。國際處將在9月5日                                                  If you need airport pickup, please inform OIA staff and your study buddy
        和9月6 日這兩天安排接駁車於高雄機場接機。                                                            in  advance.  We  will  arrange  shuttle  bus  on  September  05th,  2020  and
                                                                                          September  06th,2020  to  pick  you  up  at  the  Kaohsiung  International
      宿舍報到                                                                                Airport.
        本學期宿舍從2020年9月5日起可辦理入住學生宿舍。請告知國際學生承                                              Dormitory Move-in
        辦人及學伴你的抵達時間以協助辦理入宿手續。                                                             You  can  move  into  the  student  dormitory  on  September  05th,  2020.
        基本床組、枕頭、棉被等個人用品請自行準備。                                                             Please  inform  OIA  staff  and  your  study  buddy  when  you  will  arrive  for
                                                                                          accommodation reservation.
      新生報到及說明會                                                                            Please prepare mattress, pillow, quilt and blanket by your own.
        新生抵台後請務必與學伴到國際處完成本人的報到手續。說明會日期與時間                                               Enrollment & Orientation
        將另行公告通知。                                                                          Newly enrolled students should go to the OIA Office with the study buddy
        報到攜帶文件:2 吋相片 2 張、護照正本、3 個月內健康檢查報告。                                                to complete the enrollment procedure. The time of the orientation will be
                                                                                          announced separately.
      學雜費繳費                                                                               Things  required  for  the  enrollment  procedure:  passport,  hard  copy  of
        新生正式入學報到後,由國際學生承辦人提供繳費單讓新生去繳費才算完成                                                 graduate certificate and health examination report issued within three (3)
        註冊。繳費單中包含學雜費、學生平安保險費 NT413 及校園網路費 NT200.
      中英文能力測驗                                                                             Newly  enrolled  students  pay  the  tuition  fee  to  complete  the  enrollment

        國際學生入學報到後,需要配合本校語言教育中心進行中英文的測驗。                                                   procedure.  Students  are  required to  pay  tuition  &  fees,  group  insurance
                                                                                          premium  (NTD  413),  international  students´  medical  insurance  fee
                                                                                          (NTD3000) and internet fee (NTD 200).
      新生健康檢查                                                                            Chinese and English Proficiency Test
                                                                                          International  students  are  required  to  take  the  Chinese  and  English
                                                                                          proficiency  test  organized  by  the  Center  for  Language  Education.  The
      新生註冊                                                                                test  results  will  serve  as  references  for  the  Chinese  or  English  course
        錄取本校之新生,應依錄取通知規定辦理報到手續,並於註冊時間繳驗證件,                                                placement.
        否則取消錄取資格;未報到者即以自願放棄入學資格論。                                                       Health Examination
        每一學年自8月1 日起自翌年7月 31 日止;第一學期約每年9 月中旬開學,                                            International students are required to receive health examination at school.
        第二學期約翌年2 月中旬開學。
                                                                                          All admitted students must register within the designated time. Failure to
                                                                                          complete the registration procedure is regarded as forfeiting the admission.
                                                                                          The Academic year in Taiwan begins on August 1 and ends on July 31 in
                                                                                          the following year. Fall semester classes usually begin in mid-September,
                                                                                          and spring semester classes begin in mid-February of the following year.

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