Page 310 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 310
Palabras Confinadas
workout, take the sun, use masks to avoid any
infection and die.
The students and teachers are tired due to this
situation because we spend a lot of time in front of
the screen and our eyes wear out.
María José Barajas
At the beginning of this pandemic, when the
quarantine started, it felt so sad and actually I didn't
have enough energy to do things that I wanted to,
because off course I was just thinking in negative
stuff, probably like the virtual prom or maybe just
the fact that I couldn’t see my friends, or my dad’s
family in a while. But then, with the pass of the time
I had to learn to see the good things that this
isolation could teach me, so I decided to focus in
positivism and trying to take advantage from my
boring and alone moments to turn them in time to
myself, to grow up, learn new languages or just
retake activities I had stopped doing.
I think that the last months I have been in a roller
coaster of feelings and emotions around many
topics, as I said, I’m doing my best to improve and
think positive. For this reason, I'm really proud of
myself because I know that I have been trying to be
someone new in a good sense. I'm absolutely sure
that I’m a better person now than I was before this
huge event.