Page 316 - Microsoft Word - Libro 3 4-11-2020.docx
P. 316

Palabras Confinadas

                              house, so we can talk more and play or help each

                              other  in  anything  we  do.  Even  if  it  was  difficult
                              because we weren’t prepared for this situation, now
                              it's easier and we've already used to spend a lot of

                              time at home with no problem.

                              The  moral  of  this  situation  is  that  changes  are
                              normal  and  necessary  to  everyone  and  it’s

                              impossible to know how things will go in the future,
                              so you have to be prepared to face everything and

                              see the good things around.

                                                  Jeniffer Shirley Vallejo

                              To see a rainbow

                              you need a little rain,
                              with bad things good things can come,

                               you just have to wait.
                              Today we are living a situation
                              that seems to have no end,

                               however, we have joined as a family
                              which is very important because we see the wonder

                              of being together.
                              This is what isolation has taught me

                               not everything that happens will be bad.

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