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5.     Handling Procedures and Equipment: This sub-section will explain any special
                           handling procedures and equipment. (Procedures must be consistent with information
                           on the label.)

                    6.     Storage Requirements: Information regarding safe storage could include:
                                temperature limits
                                isolating sources of ignition
                                separation of incompatible products
                                limits on shelf life

                    7.     Special Shipping Information: This sub-section includes the product’s TDG
                           classification, as well as any special transportation information (e.g. sensitivity to heat,
                           shock, etc.)

            Section 8: First Aid Measures

            The First Aid Measures section provides information on the safe evacuation and immediate treatment
            of a person suffering from overexposure to a controlled product. This information should be consistent
            with (and perhaps expand upon) the information on the label. Often special information for doctors is
            also provided. If a worker requires medical attention, the MSDS should accompany the worker to

            Section 9: Preparation Date of MSDS

            The preparation date of the Material Safety Data Sheet, as well as a contact name or department and
            telephone number, is provided in this last section.

                                                               See Sample MSDS on following pages.

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