Page 55 - kids ebook
P. 55
Abdomen - largest section of the body Head - the section of the bee’s body Proboscis - the tongue of a bee that acts
of a bee containing the stinger, honey with the brain, mouthparts, antennae, as a straw.
crop, digestive system, etc. etc.
Propolis - resins collected from plants
Antenna - a sensory organ attached to a Hive - the structure used by bees for a by bees used to line the inside of a hive,
bee’s head which lets it smell and taste. home. and reduce the hives entrance(s).
Apiary - an area where honey bee colo- Honey - a dense and sugary enzyme- Pupa - the third stage in the develop-
nies are kept by beekeepers. rich liquid compound made by bees ment of bee brood where the larva
from the nectar of flowers . metamorphosis into an adult bee.
Apiculture - the science and art of rais-
ing honey bees. Honey crop - a storage organ in honey Queen - a female adult bee that is repro-
bees’ abdomen used for carrying nectar, ductive, usually one per colony.
Attendants - worker bees who clean
honey, or water.
and feed the queen. Royal jelly - a thick and nutritious mix-
House bee - adult female bee, typically ture used to feed the developing queen.
Bee bread - a combination of pollen,
12-17 days old, who make wax, clean
nectar and honey that nurse bees eat in Scout bees - worker bees, typically
the hive, and remove bees who have
order to produce food (worker jelly) for 21-45 days old, that find new resources
died inside the hive.
the young larvae, also balled up and fed and tell the forager bees through
to older larvae. Larva (plural, larvae) - the second dancing.
stage of bee brood development; a
Beeswax - a solid compound produced Solitary - describes species of bees that
white, legless, grub-like insect.
by worker bees to make comb. do not form a colony and the queen rais-
Metamorphosis - the process of chang- es young on her own, and the males live
Brood - immature honey bees: eggs,
ing from a juvenile to an adult. on their own.
larva, pupa.
Nectar - a sugary liquid secreted by Social - describes species of bees that
Cappings - a layer of wax that covers
plants to attract pollinators. require a colony of related individuals to
cells with pupal stage bees and cells full
live and reproduce successfully.
of honey. Nurse bees - worker bees who are 20
minutes to 11 days old that feed and Stamen - the male part of the flower
Castes - the differentiation of jobs be-
take care of developing brood and the that makes pollen.
tween social insects.
Stinger - the bee’s method of defence,
Cell - the hexagonal compartment made
Pheromones - chemicals that all ani- housed in the abdomen.
of beeswax used to store honey, pollen,
mals make to communicate with other
and nectar and to raise the brood. Thorax - the mid-section of a bee’s
members of their species.
body, containing the wings, flight mus-
Colony - all the individual members of a
Piping - The noise queens make after cles and legs.
emerging from their cells. It’s used as a
Wax glands - glands that secrete bees-
Comb - a mass of cells, usually formed in beacon, or call to battle.
two layers with the cells fusing at the
Pistil - the female part of the plant that
bases. Worker bee - adult female bees who do
receives pollen during pollination.
not reproduce, usually over 99% of the
Drone - the male honey bee, usually Pollen - the vessel housing a plant’s colony’s population.
hundreds per colony.
male gamete .
Worker jelly - a nutritious mixture
Forager bees - worker bees who are 21
Pollen basket (also called corbicula) - used to feed the worker bee larvae.
to 45 days old that collect honey, pollen,
a section of a worker honey bee’s hind
water, and propolis.
leg that carries pollen on stiff hairs.
Guard bees - adult female worker bees
Pollination - the transfer of pollen from
who guard the entrance of the hive from
one flower to another, causing fertiliza-
pests such as bears, wasps, humans, and
tion and reproduction.
other bees. 55