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Dear Educator,
Thank you for understanding the importance to teach the littlest generation all about bees! This hand-
book was produced for a team of collaborators including The Honey Bee Conservancy and the Founda-
tion of the Preservation of Honey Bees’ “Kids and Bees” program. The Honeybee Conservancy’s mission
is to raise awareness about the importance of bees and to inspire people and communities to act as
stewards and advocates for bees and their natural environment. The Foundation for the Preservation of
Honey Bees is a charitable research and education foundation organized with a mission of preserving
and protecting honey bees to ensure a quality food supply and environment. The Foundation is connect-
ed with the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF), which acts on behalf of the beekeeping industry on
issues affecting the interests and the economic viability of the various sectors of the industry.
The “Kids and Bees” program was started by Kim Lehman in the early 1990s and transferred to Sarah
Red-Laird in 2012. The goal of this program is to educate the next generation of citizens on the im-
portance of bees and inspire them to take part in the bees' preservation. The primary manifestation of
the program is through the kid’s event at the American Beekeeping Federation Annual Conference &
Tradeshow. Each year the conference moves to a new community in the US, and the Kids and Bees pro-
gram hosts an event for hundreds of local kids and their families to join ABF and learn all about the won-
derful world of bees and bee preservation.
This handbook is a guide for other educators to begin, or build on, their own kid’s programs and events.
I hope you enjoy using the contents of this book as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Please let us
know any thoughts you have on, or successes you have with, the handbook at Stay
up to date on our programs and publications at and I am currently working on having this handbook translated into multiple
languages. Check back on our websites for bi-lingual and non-English versions, coming soon. Also,
please tag us in pictures you snap of your own events, lessons, programs, etc. on Twitter and Facebook
@kidsandbees #kidsandbees
This handbook was made possible by support from:
Copyright © 2018 by Sarah Red-Laird
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written per-
mission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America. First Printing,
2018. 2