Page 10 - G6 HONEY AND BEE
P. 10

Fanpage: Trung tâm anh ngữ HONEY AND BEE     Zalo: 0859412797 / 0914345734
        UNIT 5:                                  NATURAL WONDERS OF VIET NAM

                                                                                  156. What do you call “ a
                                                                                   piece of land with many
                                                                                             trees” ?
              151. What’s this?                   151. What’s this?

              151. What’s this?                   151. What’s this?                    151. What’s this?

                                                                                  160. What must you bring
              151. What’s this?                   151. What’s this?                 when you go camping

       162. What do you use to cut                                                     151. What’s this?
       clothes, paper and other thin         158. What must you use to
                                              protect the skin from the
                  material?                               sun?

              An Thành 1 - Bình An - Thăng Bình – Quảng Nam       GRADE 6              10 | P a g e
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14