Page 18 - E-Book PBA_fiks
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                     Fathani, A. H., 2013, Ensiklopedi Matematika, Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media

                 Haese, R., dkk, 2006, Mathematics for Year 9 Sixth Edition, Australia: Haese
                     and Harris Publications.

                 Haese, R., dkk, 2007, Mathematics for Year 8 Sixth Edition, Australia: Haese
                     and Harris Publications.

                 Hollands, Roy, 1999, Kamus Matematika (A Dictionary of Mathematics), Alih
                     Bahasa Naipospos Hutauruk,  Jakarta: Erlangga.

                 Hoon,  T.  P.,  dkk,  2007,  Math  Insights  Secondary  3A  Normal  (Academic),
                     Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.

                 Hoon, T. P., dkk, 2007, Math Insights Secondary 3B Normal (Academic),
                     Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.

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