Page 103 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 103



                        Dialogue 3 :  Dining Out

                        Waiter            : Hi, I’m Lori. I’m your waitress today. Can I get you anything to
                                                 drink ?
                        Costumer 1    : Just water.
                        Waiter            : Would you like bottled or regular ?
                        Costumer 1    : Regular.
                        Waiter            : And, for you ?
                        Costumer 2    : I’ll have a diet soda.
                        Waiter            : Great! I’ll be right back.

                        Waiter            : Have you decided what you’d like ? Or do you need some more
                                                  time ?
                        Costumer 2    : I’ll have the grilled chicken and a dinner salad.
                        Waiter            : And what kind of dressing would you like ?
                        Costumer 2    : What kind do you have ?
                        Waiter            : Italian, Blue cheese and French.
                        Costumer 2    : I’ll have the Italian. And can you serve that on the side ?
                        Waiter            : Off course. And for you, sir ?
                        Costumer 1    : The peppered salmon. Is that very spicy ? I don’t like spicy. I’ll
                                                 have the steak.
                        Waiter            : And how would you like that cook ?
                        Costumer 1    : Medium please.
                        Waiter            : Alright. So that’s chicken with salad, Italian dressing on the side
                                                 and one steak medium. Thank you.

                        Waiter            : Be careful that’s hot. Can I get that for you ?
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