Page 140 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 140


                                       the wife. Are there any baskets to carry things in while in the
                                  supermarket? Oh, there they are.”Where are the scarfs?’
                        Peter  : ‘No idea. You should ask one of the shop assistants.’
                        Juan  : ‘Excuse me, where are the scarfs?’
                        Shop Assistant 1: ‘Yes sir, they are in the third aisle on your right, in the
                                                       same aisle as the socks and underwear.’
                        Juan   : ‘Thanks. And where is the cheese?’
                        Shop Assistant 1: In two places. The pre-packaged cheese is in the cheese aisle
                                  just in front of us, or you can also get cheese from the counter at
                                  the back of the supermarket. At the counter, they’ll cut and
                                  weigh the cheese for you.’
                        Juan  : ‘Thank you.’

                        30 minutes later
                        Peter  : ‘My god, how much are you going to buy, your basket is full.’
                        Juan  : ‘I got carried away. Where can I pay for them?’
                        Peter  : ‘At the checkout in front of the entrance.’

                        2 minutes later at the checkout
                        Shop Assistant 2: ‘Good afternoon. There’s an offer on the biscuits, there’s
                                          20% off.
                        Juan   : ‘A discount, excellent.’
                        Shop Assistant 2: ‘That’ll be 126 pounds and 25 pence. How would you like to
                                   pay with cash or card?’
                        Juan  : ‘By credit card.’
                        Shop Assistant 2: ‘Would you like cashback?’
                        Juan  : ‘No, we’re leaving the country today, so I don’t need any more
                        Shop Assistant 2: ‘If you can enter your pin number on the keyboard. Thank you.
                                   Ok, here’s your receipt. If you find any problems with anything
                                   you’ve bought, you have 14 days from today to return them and
                                   we’ll replace them, or exchange them for something else. Or if
                                    you want the money, you can have a full refund.’

                        Question :

                           1.  The place in a supermarket where you pay, is the _________
                           2.  The place that you walk through when you are picking items in a
                               supermarket, is called an _________
                           3.  When you want to return something and get your money back, you ask for
                               a _________
                           4.  The things that people normally carry their shopping inside, when they are
                               in a shop, are  ________
                           5.  A different way of saying discount, is  ________
                           6.  The number code you enter to confirm you’re the owner of a bank card, is
                               a  ________
                           7.  When you take something back to a shop you have bought because of a
                               problem or you don’t want it, is  ________
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