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                          My last holiday
                          Write and Improve : Cambridge English

                        E.  M8: Language Usage

                        Instructional objective
                        You will be able to use phrase and useful expression weather

                        Video 100 Weather Expressions in English


                        Expression about the weather
                          what’s the weather like?        What’s the forecast like?
                          What’s the nice day!            What’s the forecast?
                          What’s a beautiful day!         The forecast to rain.
                          What’s a terrible day!          It’s going to freeze tonight.
                          It is sunny. It’s stormy.       There’s not a cloud in the sky
                          It is cloudy. It’s foggy.       The sky’s overcast
                          It is windy                     It’s clearing up
                          it’s not very a nice day.       The sun’s come out
                                                          The sun’s just gone in
                          We had a lot of heavy rain      There’s a strong wind
                          this morning                    The wind’s dropped
                          We haven’t had any rain for a   That sounds like thunder
                          fortnight                       That’s lightning
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