Page 2 - RE/MAX Auto Graphics Order Form.pdf
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Here is an explanation of how to order your window advertisement, the same procedure applies to both rear and side windows.
Four measurements will be needed to ensure your design will fit in your rear window after installation. Providing the largest height and width ensures that you receive enough printed material, whereas the smaller height and width ensure that none of your design elements will be trimmed away during installation. When measuring your window, stop at the inside edge of any window seal or trim, as this is the actual surface area to which you can apply a rear window graphic.
Car Year _______ Car Make ___________________________Car Model _____________________________ Heights
   Odd-Shaped Rear Windows
• Outer Height: This is vertical distance from the top corner of the window straight down.
• Inner Height: This is the longest vertical distance from the top to the bottom of the window. In most cases, this is in the middle of the window.
OuterHeight(Inches)____________ InnerHeight(Inches)_________________ Widths
• Top Width: This is the distance across the top of the window, from the left side to the right side.
• Bottom Width: This is the distance across the bottom of the window, from the left side to the right side.
Top Height (Inches) ____________ Bottom Height (Inches) _________________ Other Elements
If your rear window has a wiper, clips, hinges, a handle, or is covered by a spare tire, please provide the location of these elements on your window so that we can ensure your design accommodates them.
Element Position (Inches) __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
If your window has a unique shape such as the one seen below, you may need to provide additional measurements as well as a picture of your rear window for us to ensure that the rear window graphic fits properly. In the images below, because of the vehicle’s odd-shaped rear window, the Longest Height and Longest Width are different from the standard four dimensions (Outer Height, Inner Height, Top Width and Bottom Width). Simply providing the four standard dimensions might result in a piece that is still too small.
Outer Height (Inches) ____________________ Longest Height (Inches) __________________
Inner Height (Inches) ____________________
Top Width (Inches) ______________________ LongestWidth(Inches) __________________ Bottom Width (Inches) ___________________

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