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Political Mailings
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Robert J. Cannon, Supervisor 17217 Canvasback Dr.
Clinton Township, MI 48038
**********ECRWSSEDDM*********** Residential Customer
From the desk of
Where is the Road Money?
Police Lieutenant’s and Sergeant’s Association
willingness to work with Clinton Township Fire to solve problems and nd common ground on important issues.
“I know our residents are frustrated with our local roads and so am I. Many are in terrible shape,” says Supervisor Robert Cannon. “One of the most difficult aspects of being Supervisor is how upset people are when I tell then that Clinton Township receives no federal, state or county money for roads and the Township does not levy any millage for roads,” said Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon.
administered by the county. PA 51 has come under fire because it hasn't been revised in decades and it gives equal weight in its funding formula to rural areas as it does to more modernized communities. Residents provide road funding through fuel taxes and car registration fees.
“We work very closely with the MCDR to get our share of road projects, but they do not levy or collect taxes for roads either.” The majority of county road funds come from the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) with some also from the federal highway trust fund.
We are proud to endorse Robert Cannon for Clinton Township Supervisor.
Dear Clinton Township resident,
Clinton Township Fire and Police work toward continuous improvement
My time serving as your Township Supervisor has been a privilege. As you read this comprehensive update, I hope you realize the positive changes that have taken place while as a community we have also weathered many storms together.
additional millage so we could continue to deliver excellent service to you.
policies with the information before me.
When I reflect on these years as your Supervisor, and the
I was elected as your Supervisor in 2000. Less than a year into my first term, we all experienced the pain and horror of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Since then for the last 19 years we have partnered with Resurrection Cemetery to honor and remember the victims with a memorial ceremony.
In 2020, as the economy was rebounding, a global pandemic of unimaginable and disastrous consequences took hold. During the ensuing shutdown, our staff met daily and virtually to continue excellent services to the community and to be ready to open when the time came. We did this while protecting your safety as well as that of our employees.
next four years of service I hope to earn with your vote, I am most proud of how we all pulled through difficult times together and continued to move forward for the benefit of Township residents. It wouldn’t have been possible without the open and candid conversations I’ve had with you, our businesses and staff. I believe that my leadership has provided the kind of stability time and time again that we need to keep moving forward. I believe my leadership will continue to strengthen an already strong team of Township staff, and will be the best way to keep our Township strong for years to come.
– Robert Cannon
Then in 2007, we found ourselves in the thick of what we now call the Great Recession. Home values plummeted; people were out of work and struggling financially. It was not an easy time as we worked hard to protect the financial future of our Township. The tough financial decisions we made including layoffs, wage concessions and department consolidations were difficult. But they kept the Township financially secure and more efficient even with so many unknowns and a strained budget.
We are not out of the woods yet. And while I don’t know what may happen in the future, I do know that in good times or bad, the best economies or the worst, your Township has stable, unfaltering leadership. I have made the most gut wrenching and difficult decisions during my time as Supervisor to keep us financially on track. I have also made decisions that have improved the overall quality of life in Clinton Township in our main roads, parks, programs and water and sewer infrastructure.
In June 2016, Supervisor Cannon called for volunteers to form a Citizen Advisory Committee on Roads to investigate ways to improve residential, collector and main roads in the township. Eleven residents were seated on the committee. To see a summary of the Advisory committee recommendation go to oad_summary_180404.pdf.
Township Board in a 4-3 vote on April 9, 2018 placed a millage question on the August 2018 ballot for a five-year 1.9 mill tax specifically for roads and sidewalks in Clinton Township.
the money would be used was not clear although they did not offer any recommendations.
In the years that followed, we slowly saw a glimmer of economic recovery. Still today we haven’t seen State revenue sharing in our budget fully rebound. During this tough time, you supported our police and fire departments with
I have been proud to lead as a trusted, experienced, accessible and fair minded leader. While I am not perfect and have made my fair share of mistakes, I always try to learn from them. Through these times, I’ve worked with our board members and employees to implement the best
Based on citizen committee study recommendations and the urging of Supervisor Robert J. Cannon, the Clinton
The Clinton Township Fire Department has 5 fire stations serving a community bisected by two branches of the Clinton River and the Clinton River. Annually, there are 13,000 calls for fire or health emergencies, an average of 35 calls per day per station.
Department improvements include purchase of patrol vehicles and body cameras for improved accountability. The department’s K-9 unit was reestablished in March 2019 with a Shepherd named Bice. And a drone was purchased to assist in areas where geography and/or remoteness require an overhead view. Department staff and officers have undergone cultural diversity training. More than 46,400 annual calls for assistance, an average of 127 calls daily are made.
Over the next four years implementing the Township’s strategic plan will be a priority
The Plan Priorities
“I have made main road improvements a priority as Supervisor We have invested millions in cost sharing with the Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR) even though the township collects no money for roads from taxes, the State or county,” said Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon. “Without cost sharing, many of our main roads would not receive improvements,” he said. “I commend the Board for approving my recommendations for road improvements each year.”
“We will continue to work with the MCDR to get our main roads improved as quickly as possible and as funds permit,” said Supervisor Cannon.
All Clinton firefighters are paramedics and hold a state license for advanced life support. Under this classification, fire personnel are able to provide the most advanced form of life support that the State and Macomb County Medical Control Board allow.
“One of my main goals over the next four years will be to assure that the Strategic Plan as adopted by the Board of Trustees on August 10, 2020 is implemented improving the quality of life for all residents.
The adopted plan encompasses ve Plan Priorities for development and improvement, and are listed in order of priority:
By overseeing the work groups in each of the 5 specific goal areas and working with a Strategic Plan Committee we will assure to honor the work of our community, staff and business leaders and implement the plan priorities,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon.
1. Defineadditionalopportunitiestosupportroadway maintenance including funding, education, and a communication campaign. More about roads on page 3.
•14 Mile Road repaving from Gratiot Avenue east to Harper Avenue
•15 Mile Road widening from Utica
Groesbeck to Romeo Plank Cimarron Street repaving
summer ‘21
•Golden Street repaving
•Gratiot Avenue DDA-Gratiot street
•Little Mack Avenue repaving between 15 Mile Road and Armanda Court •Little Mack Avenue repaving between Weybridge Road and Groesbeck
to Utica Roads
•Nunneley south repaving between
Department training is continuous and the fire inspection/prevention division has made the community safer as they work cooperatively with the township’s building department.
Both the fire and police departments transitioned to the Macomb County Sheriff's Office Centralized Dispatch several years ago improving operations. The Clinton Township Fire Department and Police Departments are supported by dedicated millages voted by residents and an annual special assessment voted by the Board of Trustees.
Upon recommendation of Supervisor Robert Cannon, the township embarked on a strategic plan to set a vision and goals, map future strategies and determine priorities for the future. OHM Advisors, Livonia, MI was retained to facilitate the process.
Road to Kelly Road
•15 Mile Road widening from
•Cass Avenue bridge rehab with pedestrian walkway – summer ‘20 •Dalcoma Drive repaving from 19 Mile
lighting between 14 Mile and Wellington Crescent
•Little Mack Avenue repaving between
Gratiot Avenue and Theodore Street •Quinn Road area landscape, sign project, bus and corner landscaping
To arrive at these specific goals, resident and staff were surveyed on the township’s website and Facebook. Interviews with township department heads and board members were conducted. Working with this information, township staff and local leaders participated in 6 work sessions identifying township treasures, major issues and opportunities. The work sessions were represented by stakeholders including residents of varying demographic and geographic locations throughout the township, business leaders and owners, educational representatives, and township staff as resource persons. In a series of two workshops, strategic priorities were developed and refined as the goals, objectives and action steps.
2. Produceaneconomicdevelopmentstrategywithfinancial incentives to strengthen commercial corridors.
Beacons eld Road to Gratiot Avenue •15 Mile Road repaving between
and Hall Road
•Gar eld Road repairs from 16 Mile
•Gratiot Avenue repaving
•Green eld Road repaving •Groesbeck Highway repaving •Harrington Road repaving Groesbeck
Kemp and McKishnie Roads
•Little Mack Avenue repaving in front
and signing program
•Rivergate Road repairs
•Romeo Plank Road widening between
When a new police station was to be constructed, Robert Cannon, then a township trustee, insisted it be constructed in the central part of the township on Groesbeck Highway north of 16 Mile Road and not the Civic Center site as was proposed.
“My job as supervisor is to see and understand the big picture, and oversee those responsible for the operational details of delivering township services in the best way possible, given our resources,” says Supervisor Robert Cannon. “This plan will set the course of our priorities over the foreseeable future,” said Cannon.
4. Developanon-motorizedtransportationsystemandexecute the plan.
•16 Mile Road widening and repaving to three lanes
Road to north of Canal Road •Gar eld Road widened to 5 lanes
to Moravian Drive
•Harper Avenue repaving from 14 to
•Moravian Drive bridge reconstruction
Meticulous hiring practices with stringent requirements physically, educationally and mentally assure that police officers are well equipped and motivated to serve our community.
To see the entire Clinton Township Strategic Vision Plan go to
1la5nMesileRoadsandwideningto ve
near George George Park •Moravianfrom16toMillarandHayes •WeidemanRoadrepairs
South Gratiot Redevelopment
Groesbeck Highway - Ripe for Redevelopment
Clinton Township does it’s part to Stop River and Lake Pollution
Rain or Shine, Cold or Wind-Honoring Vets Important to Cannon
Senior Services
One of the first projects of Robert ‘Bob” Cannon when he became supervisor was formation of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Plan. State statute allows DDA to help prevent actual and potential deterioration of property values and encourage economic activity and growth in a specified area. The area specified is Gratiot Avenue from 14 Mile Road north to Wellington Crescent. DDA’s under a TIF plan capture the annual tax revenue increase within the DDA boundary from year to year so it can implement a work plan and make improvements.
In looking at the potential to keep and attract new investment, MKSK found the Township’s Groesbeck corridor to be lacking in cohesiveness, walkability, and aesthetic value. “Applying design guidelines consistently will add value to businesses on
SEMCOG Grant to provide Safe Hike-Bike Path over Cass Bridge
Center staff is 100% AED and CPR certified and boast a degreed Gerontologist director. “Our senior citizens continue to give back to the community in many ways through their creativity and hard work. And our Center staff does an outstanding job coordinating all of the programs, said Robert “Bob” Cannon, Clinton Township Supervisor.
Since its inception in 2003, the DDA has completed three major projects using TIF money. The first is LED street lighting placed in the median of Gratiot Avenue to make the DDA area safe, bright and
experience through aesthetic improvements, and Provide a transparent and consistent framework for decision-making.
This project will provide many benefits including a safe
Memories that last a lifetime
Since 2010 there has been a concerted effort to upgrade
aging water service and improve sanitary sewers especially in
older areas of the township where storm and sanitary sewers
are combined. The sanitary sewer improvements have led to
the completion of the Administrative Consent Order (ACO)
with the State of Michigan to curb sanitary sewer overflows
into the river and Lake St. Clair during times of heavy rainfall
(see story to the left). In addition, spending on main road
improvements i.e. cost sharing with the Macomb County
Department of Roads has led to numerous main roads being
Spending since 2010 on infrastructure is summarized as follows:
Water improvements and replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26.8 million Sewer improvements and replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.5 million
Why you Should Consider Split Party Voting
the“TfohrefrColnint tofntrTeonwdsnsahnidp aRmecerneiattieiosnfoDr oepuarrrtemsiednetnhtsa,”s asalwidaySsubpeernvisonr Robert Cannon. A few examples of this include many firsts for the southeast Michigan area or Macomb County including the addition of a dog park, utilization of recreation software for online registrations and establishing pickle ball courts.
Classic Gratiot Car Cruise
Split-ticket voting allows voters to cast votes for candidates from different political parties for different offices. On the other hand, straight-party voting, allows voters to cast their vote for all of the candidates in the same political party for every office up for election with one mark on their ballot.
Democratic votes after being indicted on federal bribery and corruption charges?
inviting. Second, is a contract for the installation of trees, flowers and woodchips in the median on Gratiot Avenue to enhance the median green space and make the corridor more inviting. Third, the DDA installed new electronic entrance/message signs at the north and south ends of the DDA within the median to clearly delineate the DDA boundaries. Successful negotiations with the Macomb County Department of Roads resulted in the south Gratiot median grass cutting being taken over by the Township’s DPW Department. “The median was not often cut. By having our DPW perform the grass cutting, we were in control of how it looks,” said Robert Cannon, Clinton Township Supervisor.
In March, 2000, Clinton Township entered into an Administrative Consent Order (ACO), with the State of Michigan to abate water pollution caused by sanitary sewer overflows from our community. Many older areas of the
Township built before 1974 have combined sanitary and storm sewers that were taxing the system during times of heavy rains causing these overflows. When taxed from heavy rains, several pumps were used to divert sewage into the storm water drains instead of flooding basements. “It is clear that neither situation is desirable-flooding in basements, nor polluting the waterways,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon.
our environment,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon. “Now you don’t see Clinton Township included in news headlines with other communities that discharge sewage. Protecting our water assets is critical to a healthy environment,” said Cannon.
During his tenure as Clinton Township Supervisor, Robert Cannon has made it a top priority to honor U.S. military veterans and those currently serving our country. “I feel strongly about recognizing the sacrifices our veterans have made for our country. It is very touching and emotional to witness the public who come together at these events to pray and remember their service,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon.
In 2019 a new DDA Plan had to be adopted when it was discovered the current Tax Increment Finance Plan and DDA Work Plan had expired without any extension.
oevoelrutihoen loafston1l0inyeesahros.ppEincgolneodmiacnsywiindgusstarniadl atnhde commercial companies to vacate properties along Groesbeck. The majority of Groesbeck is and has been zoned industrial with some intersections at 15 and 16 Mile Roads zoned commercial.
GPlraonensbinegckD,”“OcevTehraolml apesothne,tCiclsinatnodncTonwsinssthenipt design will improve the experience of visitors, the employees working in businesses, and increase the safety of those traveling up and down the corridor,” he said.
– a traveling exhibit and a permanent monument to be located in Clinton Township.
The Wall That Heals, is a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, a program of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Fund, the nonprofit that built the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Washington, D.C., in 1982. Due to COVID concerns, the Wall visit to the Clinton Township Civic Center has been
SMART partners with Clinton Township to provide much needed transportation to seniors 65 and older, and handicapped and disabled residents of any age. Contact the Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon’s Office at 586-723-8093 for information and tickets.
The immediate goals of the DDA include maintaining the landscaping and street lighting investments. They also plan to roll out a new Façade Improvement Program to enhance the corridor and to generate additional tax revenues and promote the annual Gratiot Cruise. This program will encourage improvements to building facades compliant with design guidelines and placement of additional landscaping by private property owners.
Several big box businesses have closed including K- Mart (all stores closed nationwide), Kroger at the Parkway Shopping Center, Save-A-Lot (many stores closed nationally) and the Fountainview Lanes Bowling Alley. It has proven quite difficult to get tenants for these extra large spaces known as big box stores. “I can assure you, our Planning Director, Bruce Thompson and I have contacted many prospective tenants including Wal-Mart, Holiday Market, Westborn Market, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, Spartan Nash, Meijer, Kroger, Pet IQ, Meridian Health, Michigan Secretary of State, Chick-Fil-A, Big Lots, ABC Warehouse, Ashley Furniture, Crunch Fitness, Bob’s Discount Furniture and BJ’s Warehouse,” said Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon.
The objectives of the M-97/ Groesbeck Highway Design Guidelines are to:
postphoned until 2021.
This will be the third time in the past 10 years Supervisor Cannon and Clinton Township will have hosted
The Center’s quarterly newsletter with information and classes is 100% paid for by advertising. Seniors at the Center have raised money to provide annual scholarships for Clinton Township high school seniors, donated thousands of pounds of fresh produce grown on the Center grounds by gardening enthusiasts to local food banks, and hundreds of thousands of dollars has been raised to offset Center program costs and add space to the Center over time. A Monarch butterfly waystation has also been established by volunteers. Go to for up-to- date programs.
This classic car cruise has become an August expectation annually. It is the biggest and best event on Gratiot Avenue and a summer tradition. Instigated in 2003 by Supervisor Robert Cannon, a cruise committee of area businesses, residents and car enthusiasts received approval from the Clinton Township Board to proceed.
Code Enforcement
Straight party may keep voters from thinking critically about all the candidates on the ballot and encourage partisan polarization. Such risks can be particularly acute at lower levels of government, where the predominant issues don't always break down neatly into Republican and Democratic views.
Due to the COVID pandemic many of the township’s recreation programs have were cancelled and several online activities including FREE video tutorials, crafts, fitness, games and activities can be found at their Virtual Recreation Center at rec-center.html.
Classic cars, food, music, vendors, a family midway and various events are hosted along the almost 3 mile cruise route and over 250,000 people attend. All costs are funded by the cruise committee through donations and sponsorships. This year due to the COVID pandemic the cruise was cancelled. It’s expected the Gratiot Cruise will resume in 2021.
On March 16 Clinton Township closed its doors to the public and non-essential employees in compliance with the Governor’s executive orders related to COVID-19. Clinton fire and police departments remained fully on the job. “I commend our fire and police departments for their non-stop service during this difficult time for everyone. While other employees were able to safely quarantine and work from home, our police and fire personnel were on the job 24-7. Our fire and police departments were here for us each and every day and speaks volumes to their commitment and dedication to our community,” said Supervisor Cannon.
distancing. Many employees worked remotely from home. The Township’s IT department, under the direction of Dave Pearce, did an outstanding job assuring that employees who were working from home had the technology they needed Clinton Township Emergency Manager, Paul Brouwer, assured that personal protection equipment was available for fire and police departments and others so they could safely work.
This is a crucial election and each vote counts. It is our duty to do our homework.
Some of the programs overseen include the ever popular and in demand Trick or Treat Trail, Easter Egg-citement and Daddy Daughter Dance.
We have targeted Groesbeck Highway as a reinvestment opportunity and retained MKSK to help create guidelines for improvement. MKSK is a collective of planners, urban designers, and landscape architects who are passionate about the interaction between people and places. The township has also hired a full-time Economic Development Director whose main focus will be Groesbeck and Gratiot redevelopment.
Transport north of 16 Mile Road, Free-LED, Inc. Lighting, Michigan Specialty Steel, Global Granite and Stone Design, the Twisted Leather & Threads Shop and remodeled KFC, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Tim Horton’s & Wendy’s Restaurants.
“We look forward to receiving approval from EGLE that we have met the State’s requirements of the ACO. We strongly urge other communities in the Clinton River Watershed to step up their commitment to keeping our waterways clean,” Cannon said.
Supervisor Cannon has participated in a Wreaths Across America event every December at Resurrection Cemetery remembering deceased veterans during the holiday season.
The Clinton Township Senior Adult Life Center is a constant hub of activity with many seniors 55 and older participating in a host of activities. Books discussion, computer training, physical fitness, crafts, health information, travel, hair and nail services, games, gardening and organized sports are all activities that are offered continuously at the township’s awarding winning senior adult life center.
Groesbeck Highway has undergone many changes
In the spring of 2018, we were successful in receiving a Michigan Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant through my involvement with the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). This grant will assist in the cost of building a shared use pathway along the west side of Clinton River Road, the south side of Cass Avenue including the bridge crossing over the North Branch of the Clinton River and the east side of Moravian Road. The estimated project cost is $2 million. This grant uses federal transportation funds and requires a 20 percent match from the Township which the Township Board approved at my recommendation.
crossing over the North Branch of the Clinton River on the Cass Avenue Bridge. The existing shoulder and bridge is very narrow and currently used by pedestrians and bikers daily. The Macomb County Department of Roads has approved traffic barriers over the bridge to provide safety between the non-motorized and motorized users. This fits perfectly with the 2020 Township Strategic Plan recently approved by the Township Board. It is also aligned with the Township’s Recreation Master Plan indicating that a non- motorized transportation plan is of great priority. This project is a great stepping stone toward this priority and achieving a more walkable/biking community. It will increase our mobility and lead to recreational and health benefits as well as economic development.
made sure a 9/11 Memorial Service has taken place at Resurrection Cemetery.
In keeping with this spirit of recognition and honor, Supervisor Cannon has worked to bring two memorials
“We were excited to welcome to Groesbeck Highway Hunt’s Gymnastics who relocated from Harrison Township and a new Captain D’s Fish Restaurant, the first in Michigan, that opened this summer amid the corona virus pandemic both occupying existing buildings”, said Cannon. Other new businesses along Groesbeck include Pahoa
improved throughout several years. Many of the township parks continue to see improvements all contributing to improved quality of life for Clinton Township residents. In total since 2010 more than $41 million has been spend from the general fund or the water and sewer fund to pay for these improvements. “We continue to work diligently to stay on top of updating our aging infrastructure so that safe water and sewer service continues to be brought to our residents and businesses. They deserve and expect no less,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon.
What is code enforcement? Code enforcement supports and enhances quality of life, while working to keep aging buildings, homes and properties from becoming “eyesores.” Every community faces struggles with vacant buildings, trash, tall grass and weeds, graffiti and inoperable vehicles.
Who may file a complaint and when may it be filed? In Clinton Township any citizen may file a complaint if they observe conditions, uses of property, or structures they suspect are improper. Complaints can be anonymous.
Parks improvements
Main roads costs sharing with
.......................................$1.3million MCDR & sidewalk improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . $3.9 million
When voting straight party, all votes go for that slate of candidates without even looking at the names of those running. Think of that for a moment. Simply because a candidate is affiliated with a party, they automatically receive your vote, sight unseen allowing unfit candidates to get automatic votes. Remember Karen Spranger in 2016 elected via straight party votes for Macomb County Clerk? After being elected she was removed for fraudulently filing for office. Remember Dean Reynolds for Clinton Township Supervisor who got thousands of straight party
A few of the department’s usual, non-pandemic pride points include leadership roles at the state and local levels and training opportunities for seasonal employees beneficial to the community such as Kulture City inclusivity training. This training creates acceptance and inclusion of persons especially for those who have sensory processing needs. The full time staff members are all Certified Parks and Recreation Professionals by the highly esteemed National Parks and Recreation Association.
Based upon recommendation by Robert Cannon, Clinton Township Supervisor, the Board voted to freeze their recommended pay raises and put it toward hiring an additional code enforcement officer. “Due to the lingering affects of the recession it’s necessary to step up code enforcement. The Board was in total agreement with my recommendation that the wage freeze pay for this additional officer,” said Robert Cannon, Supervisor.
How is a complaint filed? Except when an immediate hazard exists, compliance actions usually begin with a citizen written complaint or e-mail. The form for filing a complaint is at or at the Building Department office.
Township Safely Reopens after COVID Shut Down
Rules and laws governing the use of private property are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of all citizens. The Clinton Township Building Department is responsible for enforcing Township Ordinances, State Building Codes, and Property Maintenance Codes. Each ordinance contains penalties that may be imposed when a property owner refuses to correct a cited violation.
At times when a property owner refuses to comply, the township must file an action with the court. Code enforcement officers must be able to observe the alleged violation otherwise obtaining compliance becomes more difficult.
Throughout the 12 week shutdown that ensued, Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon continued to work from home and have daily virtual discussions with department leaders via the gotomeeting app. “It was important that our department leaders keep up- to-date with each other’s work activities and needs, and that they collaborate, share information and problem solve so that all essential services continued for residents, said Robert Cannon, Supervisor. “All departments had the means to return resident phone calls and emails from their homes during this time,” said Cannon.
Frank Pizzo – retired Clinton Township Recreation Director, Chippewa Valley High School graduate
“As a lifelong resident and retired Recreation Director, I have always admired how Bob
The Department also oversees the July concerts, fireworks, Festival of Senses and Yasu Sister City Cultural Exchange Program. Music and Movies in the Park Series drew hundreds of people becoming a family favorite in the summer. Many of the programs offered are from supplemental partnerships exceeding $65,000 in 2019 not including in- kind donations for special events.
About Bob and Family
From upper left: son-in-law Eric Kapral, Clinton Township reman, daughter Claire Kapral, Chippewa Valley High School teacher, son Nick Ellul, L’anse Creuse North High School Associate Principal, daughter- in-law Kathy Ellul, VP Discom, Carla Malti no, Beaumont Hospital nurse, son Anthony Ellul, small business owner.
Front row from left: grandson Preston Ellul, student in Chippewa Valley Schools, Robert Cannon, wife Cheryl Cannon, granddaughter Emma Ellul, student in Chippewa Valley Schools. Not pictured-Brian Cannon See back page for more information about Robert Cannon, Supervisor
The township levies only 8/10th of one mill for its day- to-day operations.
According to the Mackinac Center in Oct 2018, MTF revenues have not kept pace with inflation. Although the MTF fund peaked in 2000, and vehicle registration fees were increased in 2017, the fund is still below 2000 levels. To aggravate the situation, costs to replace and maintain roads have steadily increased thereby further eroding purchasing power.
We are pleased to endorse you for the position of Clinton Township Supervisor. Firm decisions in the past economic downturn and during the most recent COVID-19 pandemic exhibited your keen foresight and has led the re department into a period of continued recovery and stabilization. Although the decisions that were made at your level were di cult to execute, we
I hope to see you in the community or the township offices. Please stop and say hello. I am always happy to meet our residents
The average cost per homeowner per year would have been approximately $120. The ballot question failed 54 % to 46 %.
One board member said he originally voted against the proposal being on the ballot because it’s a state problem, and local officials need to hold Lansing lawmakers accountable.
Three members of the Clinton Township Board of Trustees campaigned against the road millage noting roads are under the jurisdiction of the county and the use of how
Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon states, “If the detractors are looking to the county or state to bail out the township, it is not going to happen. If you campaign against the millage, you must have another plan.”
Robert J. Cannon Supervisor
Impressive List of Township Main Roads Improved
3. Createamarketingandcommunicationcampaignwith measurable goals and metrics.
Groesbeck Highway and Beacons eld-summer ‘20
Road to Millar Road
•Gar eld Road repaving from Hall
of Clintondale High School
•M-59 and crosswalk reconstruction
Romeo Plank and Hall Roads and roundabout at Chippewa Valley High School
“I am very proud of our police and fire departments and the dedication they bring to our residents each and every day. We thank our residents for the amazing support that has helped our fire and police departments become the premier departments they are today,” said Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon.
5. Implementarivertrailsystemthataddressesdebrisremoval, clean-up, day lighting, and identifies funding sources.
•19 Mile Road repaving from Romeo Plank Road to Hayes Road
from 15 to 16 Mile Roads •CGanr aelltdoR1o7aMdirlepRaovaindg–fcrommn.itotfed
•Romeo Plank Road repaving and two Romeo Plank roundabouts
• Provide for functional, attractive development and redevelopment of sites, • Encourage reinvestment in vacant
Clinton Township to be home to Goldstar Family Monument
and underutilized properties, while establishing pride
The first phase of the project will be the bridge crossing and I am excited that this work will be completed with other County bridge rehabilitation work and will start during the fall of 2020. The second phase will be the shared use pathway which we anticipate construction to begin in spring 2021.
This project will connect many of our parks together including Canal Park to George George Park as well as Budd Park, Civic Center Park and campus, Tomlinson Arboretum and Old Mill Park. It will certainly be a catalyst for future sidewalk and shared use pathway projects though the entire community.
With this shared pathway project, residents residing near the Freedom Trail along 16 Mile Road will be able to access these parks with their bikes using the Freedom Trail to Garfield Road to Clinton River Road to Romeo Plank Road to the Civic Center and onto George George Park once this project is complete.
GoPldlanSstarreFmamoivlinesg MfoerwmaorrdiatloMeroencut ma epnetrmonanethnet
Tdeodwicnastheidp cSiutipzernvsisowrh, ois owrgoarnkizneg WwritehathtsheAscarmoses America. Although still in the planning stages and somewhat slowed due to COVID, Clinton Township hopes the project will be complete by mid 2021. The cost of the monument is $75,000. Robert Cannon has pledged $10,000 of his personal funds to this monument. “My grandparents were a Gold Star Family and I remember the pain they endured over the loss of my uncle whom I am named after,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon.
in ownership,
• Enhance the public realm and pedestrian
grounds of the Clinton Township Civic Center. The term “Gold Star Family” refers to the immediate family members of a service member who died while serving in a time of conflict. This memorial monument will help raise public awareness about Gold Star Families’ enduring legacy and honor the ultimate sacrifice made by their loved one.
The guidelines will apply to all new developments and substantial building expansions, alterations, or major changes in use that increase the intensity of use such as traffic, more parking, noise and other external impacts in the study area. Guidance for landscaping includes buffer walls and screening. Redeveloped building design guidance covers size and place on site, materials, lighting types, signage and style. For more detail about the Groesbeck Corridor Study go to
Infrastructure Improvements Ongoing
The Township has approved a monument location on its civic center site and Robert Cannon, Clinton
Rich with tradition and values the recreation department has an established foundation built upon award winning programs and events for the community at affordable rates, while sometimes even free with the assistance of grants and partnerships.
What happens once a complaint is submitted?
Also, the Department oversees the summer youth day camp with more than 900 youths each-a huge undertaking. This includes hiring and training the camp counselors, arranging field trips, reserving school sites, providing supplies and daily lesson plans for crafts and sports.
Except where an immediate threat to health and safety exist, initial inspection of the site will normally occur within 10 business days. Resolution can take weeks, months, and sometimes longer depending upon the complexity and legal ramifications involved.
Through these virtual meetings, plans to safely reopen in accordance with CDC, state and health department guidelines took place. “I cannot be more proud of our department leaders in how they worked together assuring steps were taken to develop our protocols for a safe re-opening for staff and the public and how they trained their staff on our protocols and provided the best services under difficult circumstances,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon. The Department of Public Works personnel constructed Plexiglas barriers where needed between workstations and had everything ready to open safely.
Why People Support Bob Cannon for Supervisor
The Clinton Township Board of Trustees, on a 4-3 vote in March 2019, adopted the community’s first ever ethics policy. “I think this is a good set of rules,” said Supervisor Robert Cannon, who noted he doesn’t necessarily need township rules for his personal ethics that he has followed since his youth. The policy shows that the township’s elected officials must hold themselves to a high standard of conduct.
or adjacent to the township as well as elected officials employers. The policy also established an Ethics Board and the process for filing a complaint for violations to the policy.
• Sponsor of Gold Star Family Memorial
Rotating Emergency Shelter Team (MCREST) residential site
Music fundraisers
• Secured and helped sponsor the
The policy provides standards of conduct for elected and appointed officials. It includes, among other items, limits on gifts, the use of township property for non- business purposes, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, conduct, and provisions to prevent conflict of interest in voting and contracting.
Said Supervisor Robert Cannon: “Differences of opinion do not necessarily mean differences of principles.”
• Sponsor of the Serenity Garden at the Clinton Township Senior Center • Rosary Garden Cruci x Sponsor at St. Thecla Catholic Church, Clinton
It also requires public filings by the elected officials of property owned within
• Sponsor of the future Children’s
for Chippewa Valley High School • Sponsorship of Macomb County Warming Center’s Warmth of
year in the Mt. Clemens Thanksgiving Parade
Township adopts Ethics Policy
Giving Back
A conversation with Robert Cannon Clinton Township Supervisor
Room at the Macomb County
• No wage increase since 2004
What are your goals for the next 4 years if re-elected??
Wow, there are many things I am proud of in our township. When I took office we were dumping sewage overflow into the Clinton River during times of heavy rain. This was to protect resident’s basements from flooding during these times due to combined storm and sanitary sewers in the older community subdivisions. Over many years, millions of dollars and steadfast commitment, we eliminated these overflows into our waterways.
improvements. I will continue that. A more pressing problem is our local subdivision roads. Without a special roads millage, which I proposed in 2018, or a significant change in the way roads are funded by the State and county, unfortunately residents will have to pay for the improvements with special assessments. Although we placed a millage for roads on the ballot in 2018, I had 3 board members work against this millage and it failed. These same board members have no solution for the problem. No one wants to pay more taxes, but they do want good roads.
Why People Support Bob Cannon for Supervisor
We just completed our Strategic Plan as well as a revitalization plan for Groesbeck Highway. One of my main goals will be to assure that the adopted Strategic Plan is implemented. This plan was a year in the making and included input from community, business and staff. It is important to honor their work. Also, improving Gratiot and Groesbeck Highway will be a main focus. I will be working closely with our newly hired Economic Development Director who will lead our revitalization and redevelopment efforts along these corridors. We have some exciting projects planned and underway that I’d like to see completed. forlotsofgoodinformation!
“As an educator for years, I know the value of quality programs and facilities. This is one of the many reasons I support Bob.Heknowsthevalueofyouthandseniorprograms. Hismottoisthatacommunityisevaluatedonhowittreatstheir youth and seniors. Bob excels at both. He is a person you can always trust to do the right thing.”
As the current Supervisor, what are you most proud of??
• Miles of main roads improved.
• Miles of water and sewer infrastructure rebuilt or relined
• Award winning Parks & Recreation and Senior Center programs.
• Numerous road improvement projects (see page 3) • Nixel Emergency Communications.
• Successful in having the police station located on
I am also very proud of our system of parks. We have some beautiful areas for our residents to enjoy along with award winning senior and recreation programs all without a special millage.
What do you see as the Township’s more pressing issues at the current time?
Local subdivision roads, redevelopment of Gratiot Avenue and Groesbeck Highway and budget limitations are the pressing issues. Our general fund budget has had to be reduced due to reductions in State revenue sharing from Lansing. This means fewer staff and services as well as main and collector road projects in the Township unless the State finds a way to make us whole. This occurred over many years during the 2008 recession and now again with the Covid pandemic. Additionally, as I noted above, local subdivision roads are a serious problem. Under funding by the State over the last 15 years has not allowed for the money to repair and replace our local roads the way they should be. The township collects no money for roads. Gratiot and Groesbeck redevelopment are priorities that I have been addressing for some time. Our strategic plan and Economic Development Director have clearly placed their focus on redevelopment.
Lou (Koss) Moss, Clinton Township Optimists past President and Past Lt. Governor and Governor of Michigan Optimists, former Community Relations Director for Clintondale Community Schools “AsfounderoftheClintonTownshipOptimistsClubIknowserviceclubsareimportanttoacommunity. Bobisa memberofourClintonTownshipOptimists,Goodfellows,SelfridgeBaseCouncilandRotary. Iapplaudhim,butI support him because he works hard and makes decisions in the best interest of the residents. He is the best supervisor a community could have and I have seen many.”
Our fire and police departments are second to none and work continuously to keep us safe and improve response times.
The Gratiot Cruise with 100,000 participants and Festival of the Senses have become annual events that everyone looks forward to. We also honor with Resurrection Cemetery each year and without fail our veterans on Memorial Day, July 4th and Veterans Day as well as Wreaths Across America in January and our first responders on 9-11.
Gerrie (Hockaday) Brown, Educator, Clintondale Community Schools
Roads. What can be done about fixing our roads?
Under Robert Cannon’s leadership:
All our roads in the township are under the jurisdiction of the Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR). I’ve worked very hard getting our main roads as well as our collector roads improved during my time as supervisor. And although we do not receive one penny for roads in taxes from residents or from the State, our Board has supported my budget requests each year to partner with MCDR for main road
• Eliminated sanitary sewer over ows into the Clinton River.
• Consolidation of department services saving taxpayers money.
• First Welcoming Township in the Nation. • Yasu, Japan Sister City Program.
• Establishment of the Clinton Township
Proudly endorsed by Democrats and Republicans
in mature residential and commercial areas.
• Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, Independence Day, 9-11,
• SMART bus service for seniors & disabled persons.
• For many years, personally sponsored annual Township
Mark Hackel,
Macomb County Executive – Democrat “Bob is the type of leader I support and trust. He is a public o cial who is willing to focus on an issue and sets aside the politics as he engages others for solutions.”
Larry Rocca,
Macomb County Treasurer – Republican
“As the Macomb County Treasurer, I am pleased to endorse Bob Cannon for Clinton Township Supervisor. Every year his community’s audit earns a 100% rating by Plante & Moran, CPA’s which is the highest possible. The residents of Clinton Township are fortunate to have Bob provide stable and strong fund balances in the general, water and sewer and the police and re funds. I am proud to be a resident of Clinton Township.”
• Gratiot Cruise and Festival of the Senses.
• Sponsor of Vietnam Veteran’s Wall that Heals at 2010,
Public Library.
• Hundreds of ribbon cuttings for new township
• Succesful at getting Township Board meetings video
Candice Miller,
Macomb County Public Works Commissioner – Republican
“Bob Cannon has been a tremendous partner in water quality e orts. I’m proud to endorse him and look forward to working together on many other e orts to improve our quality of life.”
Anthony Wickersham,
Macomb County Sheri – Democrat
“As the county sheri , I endorse Bob Cannon for re-election. I know rst hand how important public safety is to all of us and Bob Cannon makes that a priority by investing in top notch police and re departments. Our county department works hand in hand with Clinton Township public safety for the protection of all residents.”
Proudly Endorsed by Clinton Township Public Safety
Under Michigan Public Act 51, townships do not receive direct funding for roads from the State. Instead, township roads fall under the jurisdiction of the Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR). Townships can, however, pass a millage to provide funding for roads that would be
“Money for our roads goes to the Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR) and it is up to them to maintain and improve roads in the township,” said Clinton Township Supervisor Robert “Bob” Cannon.
Police Captain’s Union
uwnadsearnstdoocodnwtihnyuethsitsowbaestdoodnaey., aYnoduritgheansuipnaevdededtihceatwioanyafonrdtchoendceprnarftomr ethnitstToobwenwshiaptmitaoknecse you an excellent choice for the position. We look forward to four more years of your service to Clinton Township.
“Roads will be an area we will continue to concentrate on as a priority in our strategic plan and we will need to put more pressure on Lansing to address this dire need throughout the State of Michigan.
The Police O cers Association of Michigan Proudly endorse Robert J. Cannon, Clinton Township Supervisor.
We believe in the strong partnership we have built and desire that to continue. The relationship that has been built has bene ted all concerned-our residents, our re ghters, as well as the Township as a whole. With a strong partnership, we can continue to deliver the highest levels of re protection and advanced medical services that our residents have come to expect from their re department over our 75 year history. We are proud to extend our endorsement to you for your reelection.
What has been done?
Tasks requiring employees to enter the buildings were permitted with precautions and
The Township reopened on June 8th with little fanfare, protocols in place and staff trained. “Kudos to our exemplary township staff for a safe transition and for working safely each day since,” said Cannon.
Cannon has worked relentlessly to improve the quality of life for the residents of Clinton Township. He was instrumental in the development of the recreation department and continues to build and support recreational opportunities for all. I support him for this reason. Bob is very fair and not driven by party politics.”
The Department has also assisted with grant writing such as the universally accessible kayak launch at the George George Memorial Park and other improvement grants throughout the township.
The adoption of the ethics policy was the result of various drafts and opinions.
• Sponsor of Clinton Township Fire Department bench
• Sponsor of a bench at the Clinton Township Tomlinson Arboretum
• Sponsor of a Veteran’s bench at the Macomb County Administration
Vietnam Veterans Wall that Heals, 2010, 2015 and proposed 2020
• Past sponsor of the annual Shred Day at the Clinton Township Civic
Cannon said “the new policy, if it had been in place years ago, would not have prevented former township trustee Dean Reynolds from accepting bribes that has resulted in a lengthy prison sentence.”
O ce Building
• Past volunteer varsity softball coach
• Represents Clinton Township each
“This correction process has been a long one, but we remained steadfast in our commitment to correct this problem that I inherited when I took office,” said Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon. “I am pleased to report that after 20 years and millions we have completed projects critical to keeping sewage in the sanitary sewer system instead of discharging into drains that eventually connect to the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair.”
Clinton Township has submitted to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, or EGLE for short, the first part of the Project Performance Certification, regarding our elimination of Sanitary Sewer Overflows.
Rain or shine, cold or windy, each year Cannon has been the master of ceremonies in Veterans Day and Memorial Day services at Resurrection Cemetery at their beautiful American Veterans Memorial assisted by the Vietnam Veterans Chapter 154.
“I’m proud of our township’s commitment to protecting
Clinton Township Supervisor Robert Cannon along with Resurrection Cemetery, held its first 9/11 memorial event 3 days after the tragedy took place, remembers the victims of the attacks, the first responders, and even the Ground Zero workers who have died from related illnesses. The timely multi-denominational 9-11 service held 19 years ago on September 14, 2001 was attended by more than 300 concerned individuals. Supervisor Cannon stated “I hope that we will be united in our efforts against terrorism, wherever it may occur in the world.” Each September for the past 19 years, Supervisor Cannon has
. . . . . . .
If folks fall for the straight party ploy, they spend less time thinking through the pros and cons of candidates than they do buying a car. You would not walk into a car dealership and say, ‘Give me any car you’ve got as long as it’s from your dealership. That’s all I care about.’ The idea of buying a car that way sounds ridiculous, but how many people actually choose to vote the straight-party ticket?
• Financial stability through 7 year recession and current COVID budget challenges.
• Mini-storage moratorium & revised mini-storage ordinance.
Cultural Diversity Committee.
• Establishment of the Clinton Township Beauti cation
Wreaths Across America Remembrances partnering with Resurrection Cemetery each year.
Shred Day.
• Initiated the founding of the Clinton Macomb
Groesbeck instead of the Civic Center.
• Five re stations serving the geographic needs of
2015, 2020 (rescheduled for 2021).
• Initiated the Township’s Strategic Planning. • Ethics Policy adopted.
• System of 14 improved parks.
• Gratiot Downtown Development Authority. • New resident information packets.
• Storm Ready Community Designation.
recorded and televised on CTTV 10.
• Established a historical village on the civic center site
• Regional Ambassador Award, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, 2019
Chamber of Commerce, 2016
• Community Partner Award, Coalition for Youth and
• McMA Inclusion Award, Macomb County Ministerial Alliance, 2005
• Elected O cial of the Year, American Society for Public Administration, 2018
Families, Chippewa Valley Schools, 2015
• Macomb Hall of Fame, Macomb County Chamber of
• Community Leadership Award, Housing Opportunities of Macomb, 2003
• Tom Brady Leadership Award, National Association of Regional Councils, 2017
Commerce, 2012
• Students of Service Award, Stevenson High School, 1995
• Ted Wahby, Elected O cial of the Year, South Gratiot
• Service to Schools Award, Macomb Intermediate School District, 2011
Police O cer’s Association
We are very proud to endorse Robert Cannon for his re-election as Supervisor. Mr. Cannon has dedicated his life to serving the citizens of Clinton Township. Our community is absolutely a better place today because of his commitment to our residents. Mr. Cannon has worked tirelessly with the CTPOA to keep the citizens of Clinton Township safe. We believe that you are a rm advocate of the various issues which the members of our association support.
Fire Chief’s Association
We are pleased to o er our endorsement for your re-election. You have always been a strong supporter of law enforcement and the department in particular. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to working with you in the future.
Fire Fighter’s Association
The Michigan Professional Fire ghter’s Union
We endorse Robert J. Cannon’s re-election as Clinton Township Supervisor citing Cannon’s
The Wall That Heals.
Don Hubler – L’anse Creuse Board of Education Trustee and past president, Chair Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
“I strongly support Bob because he always focuses on doing the right thing and bringing the best services to our community. He is community minded and participates in many organizations for the betterment of our community. He is very experienced, dedicated and knows his responsibility is to the public.”
Experience matters in these uncertain times
Here is what they say about Robert Cannon, Clinton Township Supervisor
including the Moravian Hall and outhouse, Williams Log Cabin and Rose Garden structure along with construction of a restroom through a $300,000 grant.