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Political Mailings
Interest Revenues Under Larry Rocca
County Treasurer Larry Rocca’s
2017 – $2,38 Million
2018 – $4.11 Million
2019 – $6.98 Million
2020 – $5.45 Million
‘Keep Your Macomb County Home’ Reduces County Home Foreclosures
TOTAL $920 Million Estimated
The result – fewer home foreclosures and delinquent property taxes paid over an agreed period of time.
$18,920 Million!
Paid for by CTE Larry Rocca 38299 Moravian
Clinton Township, MI 48043
That’s how much Macomb County Treasurer Larry Rocca has made for county Taxpayers
After Lawrence Rocca was elected county treasurer, he initiated and developed a unique program to keep Macomb county residents in their hoes by making arrangements for payment of delinquent property taxes.
3Macomb County Emergency Shelter Team 3Americans of Italian Origin Society Treasurer 2016 3Gratiot Avenue Chamber of Commerce
3Italian American Chamber of Commerce
3Macomb County Chamber of Commerce 3Sterling Heights chamber of commerce 3Warren Area Chamber of Commerce
is affiliated with:
‘A High Honor’
County Treasurer Larry Rocca Proud to serve his nation as a Vietnam War Combat Veteran
Larry Rocca is a member of:
“It was a high honor for me personally to serve America in combat during the Vietnam war for three years just as it’s a high honor for me now to serve Macomb County Taxpayers as their elected county treasurer for the past four years”.
• • • •
American Legion Frank Calcaterra Post #386 – Eastpointe Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 154 Clinton Township VFW Bruce Post #1146 St Clair Shores
Selfridge AFB Community Council
– Larry Rocca
3Joined the U.S. Navy in 1964 3Completed the boat camp in Great Lakes
Actions by County Treasurer Larry Rocca proves he stands for Clean Government
When Larry Rocca was a candidate for Macomb County Treasurer, he promised Macomb County voters a clean, honest transparent and accountable treasurers office and Larry Rocca’s actions as county treasurer show how he kept his promise. When the elected county clerk acted irresponsible in her position, Rocca spoke out. And when the elected county prosecuting attorney collected millions in drug forfeiture revenue and spent them with no transparency or accountability Rocca took action.
The result; both county elected officials resigned! Previous elected county treasurers knew of the prosecutors transgressions and did nothing. And sweeping the prosecutors actions under the rug. That’s why Macomb County voters need to re-elect County Treasurer Larry Rocca so he can continue to be the Taxpayers watchdog. It takes political courage to take on powerful politicians and Larry Rocca did not hesitate to call out politicians who betray the public trust in any way.
“Taxpayers have every right to expect their elected representatives to act with honesty and responsibility,” says Rocca.
Naval Station in Chicago
• Dan Acciavatti, Supervisor Chesterfield Township • Bob Cannon, Supervisor, Clinton Township
• Joe Jarzna, Supervisor, Ray Township
• Mike MacDonald, Senator, Michigan District 10
3Assigned to Class A school in San Diego California
3Assigned to the nuclear-powered air craft carrier USS Enterprise (CVA) in 1965
• John Paterek, Supervisor, Armada Township
• Joe Romano, Commissioner, Macomb County
• Rick Stathakis, Supervisor, Shelby Township
• Michael Taylor, Mayor, City of Sterling Heights
• Ken Verkest, Supervisor, Harrison Township
• Doug Wozniak, State Representative, Michigan District 36 • Jeff Yaroch, State Representative, Michigan District 33
3Sent to Vietnam service 1965-1967 (first nuclear powered task force to enter a war)
3Reached the rank of third class Petty Officer

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