OAC-Career Fair In Natural Resources 2017
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You are cordially invited to attend the 2nd Annual Natural Resources Career Fair at the Michigan DNR Outdoor Adventure Center!
The Career Fair will take place on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 from 10:00am until 2:00pm at 1801 Atwater Street, Detroit, MI 48207.
Middle and High school students from districts from the Detroit Metropolitan area are invited to attend. We are inviting as many natural resource career professionals as we can hold here at the center. They will be representing organizations that can share information on college preparation, summer jobs, internships and career planning.
We will offer the use of a private room to hold on- site interviews if desired.
Presenters from organizations/educators and all teachers planning to bring students must pre-register. If you would like to attend, please respond use the appropriate registration form by the March 3, 2017 deadline.
For our second year, we are hoping to provide a wide range of opportunities and learning experiences for the next generation of natural resource professionals – we hope you can join us!
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Adventure Center
1801 Atwater St. Detroit, MI 48207
Email: DNR-OAC@michigan.gov Phone: (313)396-6889
Fax: (313) 567-0160
You are cordially invited to a

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