Page 196 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
P. 196
The nature of a question, whatever it would be, ought to be designed to encourage
maximum input, differing viewpoints and rich dialogue interaction. Additionally, the physical set-
up of the space ought to be designed to foster dialogue with participants sitting in a semi-circle
configuration and for WISR’s space envisions using back rooms or added rows. To spark
conversation, a host facilitator or a ‘expert’ panel of individuals can be asked to briefly share their
answer to the question at the beginning of each Community Conversation. This is one proposed
format and an idea for consideration that I am proposing for future experimentation that graduate
students consider implementing group dialogues as part of their research and outreach efforts.
How does the community create new leaders who figure in the promotion and
implementation of political freedom and the expansion of personal civil liberties and rights? Local
empowerment groups ought to seek to ensure the ability of all members of society are directly
invited to participate in the civil and political life of the state including exercising freedom of
speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to question, protection of civil liberties, the right to vote,
and the right to freely share ideas and opinions through all forms of communication and media.
Conceptually, Community Conversations (CC) positions participatory action learning and
action research (PALAR) as a creative, innovative, group collaborative and self-developed way to
achieve this purpose, in the sense that I have encouraged other students at WISR to adopt the CC
approach to conducting their research and as a means to promote WISR’s greater scope of purpose.
Community Conversations provide an educational, theoretical, and methodological
framework for using a special kind of action research, namely PALAR (participatory action
learning and action research). This is a newly integrated methodology I found that incorporates
lifelong action learning (AL) and participatory action research (PAR) which has been an
interesting innovation that has been developing over the past 25 years.