Page 34 - Reopen Safely Ideas
P. 34

                                                            FOR A FREE ART SET UP
                                                           Offer appliH 10 lho l)tOlS on 1hls llyo, o,;y
                                                               - vahd fat 3123/20 throug 7/31/20

                      .  .  . "

        10' Streamline Rectangle Sail Sign                       Signicade Deluxe A-Frame
        Item#   Description                2-5   6-11  12-24     Item#   Destription          1     2-5   6-11  12-24
        191418   10' Kit with Ground Spike   250.00  243,00  230.00  223.00   210280   Chalkboa Kit   241.00  235.00  224.00  218,00
        191419   10'KitwithScissorBase   316.00  307.00  291.00  281.00   Kil Includes: Black or While Hardware and 2 Single-  USO MSRP (C)
                and Water Ballast                                Sided Unimp<inled Chalkboards
        Kit lndudes: Hardware with Specified Base, Flag and   USO MSRP (C)
        Soft Carry Case
                                                                 10.5' Value Blade Sail Sign
        Parking Pal                                              Item#   Description                2-5   6-11  12-24
        Item#   Description                2-5   6-11  12-24     191736   10.5' Kit wilhValueSpike   147.00  143.00  135.00  131.00
        264260   Parking Pal Kit    130.00  127.00   124.00  120.00   191737   10.5' Kit wilh Cross Base   172.00   167.00  158.00  153.00
        Kit lndudes: Hardware and 2 Graphic Decals   USO MSRP (C)        and Waler Ballast
                                                                 Kil Includes: Hardware with Specified Base and Flag   USO MSRP (C)
                                                                (Does not include carry case)
        Signicade A-Frame
        Item #   Description         1     2·5   6-11  12·24     Deluxe Mini Retractor
        210133   Kit                172.00  166.00   158.00  155.00   Item#   Destription     1     2-5   6-11  12-24
        Kit Includes: Orange, Yellow or Whtte HardW.   USO MSRP (C)   262014   Kit           60.00   58.75   57.25   56.00
        2 Single-Sicl Signboards and 2 24 • S1rips of Hook      Kit Includes: Hardware and Installed Banner   USO MSRP(C)
        and Loop
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