Page 2 - New Products - JAN 2019
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New Products 02
Dealer Price $9.00 Ea Dealer Price $9.00 Ea Dealer Price $6.00Ea Dealer Price $2.50Ea Dealer Price $7.00 Ea
Quanity 20 $8.00 Ea Quanity 20 $8.00 Ea qty 20 $5.00 ea Qty 50 $6.00ea
Qty 100 $5.00ea
68-72 Shoulder Belt Anchor
Standard Seat Belt Cover
68-72 Large Seat Belt Cover Pn# - INL15062 - 1pc $12.00 Ea
Pn# - I Pontiac Water PumpNL14852 - 1pc $15.00 Ea Pn# - INL15121-1pc $10.00 Ea 1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Seat
1967-72 GM Standard Seat Belt Plastic Cover. Snaps in place Belt Shoulder Belt Anchor Plate Mount. Used to hold the shoulder
1968-72 GM (all Models) Deluxe Large Seat Belt Cover - Used and is a direct replacement. seat belt at the headliner roof rail.
for all lap & shoulder belts. - With correct Nickle Chrome Finish,
2 1/8"x 2 1/2" Factory Exact. Standard Seat Belt Button Dealer Price $6.00 ea
68-77 Small Seat Belt Cover Pn# - INL15135-1pc $4.00 Ea
Pn# - I Pontiac Water PumpNL14853 - 1pc $15.00 Ea 1967-72 GM Standard Seat Belt Plastic Center Button. Snaps in
place and is a direct replacement.
1968-77 GM (all Models) Deluxe Small Seat Belt Cover - Used
for all lap & shoulder belts. - With correct Nickle Chrome Finish, Dealer Price $8.50 Each
1 1/2" x 1 3/4" Factory Exact.
Dealer Price $60.00 Set
Shoulder Belt Cover
Pn# - INL15435 - Ea $10.00
1967-72 GM A/B Body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS & Fullsize, 1967-
74 F-body Camaro, Firebird, Seat Belt Shoulder Belt Cover at
Headliner. Used to cover the seat belt bolts at the headliner.
64-72 Seat Belt Cover
Pn# - INL15438 - Each $15.00
68-72 Large Belt Covers 1964-72 GM (all Models) Deluxe Large Flat Seat Belt Cover.
Used for all lap and shoulder belts. With correct Nickle Chrome
Finish, 2 1/8"x 2 1/2" Height 5/8" Factory Exact.
Pn# - INL14854 - 7pc $99.00 Set
1968-72 GM (all Models) Deluxe Large Seat Belt Covers - Used Dealer Price $7.00 Ea
for all lap & shoulder belts. - With correct Nickle Chrome Finish, Dealer Price $7.00 Ea
2 1/8"x 2 1/2" Factory Exact. For all Hardtops. Qty 50 $6.00ea Qty 50 $6.00ea Shoulder Belt Bolts
Qty 100 $5.00ea Qty 100 $5.00ea
Pn# - INL12241 - 4pc $12.00 Set
Dealer Price $60.00 Set
1967-72 GM A-body (Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS), 1967-69 F Body
(Camaro, Firebird), 68-74 X-body (Nova, Ventura) Shoulder Seat
Belt Bolts. Used to hold the shoulder belts to the body of the car.
Dealer Price $4.00 Set
65-72 Deluxe Belt Blade
Pn# - INL15060 - 1pc $12.00 Ea
68-72 Large & Small Covers 1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F- INL12030
body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, and all other GM Seat Belt INL10866
Pn# - INL14855 - 7pc $99.00 Set Male Chrome End Blade Tongue. Used on the end of the seat belt 68-72 Seat Belt Retainers
1968-72 GM (all Models) Deluxe Large & Small Seat Belt Covers lap belt to snap into the female reciever.
- Used for all lap & shoulder belts. - With correct Nickle Chrome Pn# - INL15413- 2pc $8.00 Set
Finish, " Factory Exact. Smalls for front lap belts. - Hardtop 65-72 Standard Belt Blade
1968-72 GM Seat belt shoulder belt retainers. Used to hold the
Pn# - INL15061 - 1pc $12.00 Ea shoulder belts out of the way at the headliner.
Dealer Price $40.00 Set 1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F- Shoulder Seat Belt Screws
body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, and all other GM Standard
Seat Belt Male Chrome End Blade Tongue, also 65-67 Ford Pn# - INL12030 - 8pc $3.00 Set
Standard Blade. Used on the end of the seat belt lap belt to snap
into the female reciever, Front & Rear 1968-72 GM A/F/X-body Seat Belt Headliner Retainer Screws.
Used to hold the shoulder seat belt retainers at the headliner.
Dealer Price $7.00 Ea
68-72 Large & Small Covers
Pn# - INL14856 - 5pc $69.00 Set 65-72 Seat Belt Anchor
1968-72 GM (all Models) Deluxe Large & Small Seat Belt Covers
- Used for all lap & shoulder belts. - With correct Nickle Chrome Pn# - INL15059 - 1pc $12.00 Ea Shoulder Belt Stowage
Finish, " Factory Exact. Smalls for front lap belts. - Convertible 1965-72 GM (all Models) A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, F- Pn# - INL13037 - 1pc $6.00 Ea
Many new products added body Camaro, Firebird, X-body Nova, and all other GM Seat Belt
Anchor Bracket. Used to hole the belt at the floor pan. Same for 1968-1972 Pontiac GTO Shoulder Belt Stowage Glove Box Card.
monthy - check back often! front and rear belts. With clear rubber dip on end. When your car was new this card was in the glove box.
Order Line 800. 385. 9452 15066 Technology Dr
Tech Support 586. 532. 1338 Shelby Twp, MI 48315