Page 34 - New Pontiac Engine Products - FEB 2019
P. 34

            Pontiac Engine  - Tri Power Lines                                                                  E34

            Pontiac Engine
                                                 1964 Tri-power  1965 Tri-power

           INL13084          INL13085
                                                      64 Tri-Power Lines               66 Tri-Power Center Carb
            64-66 Tri-Power Fuel Block          Pn# - PLE6401 - 3pc  $25.00 Set      Pn# - INL13083 - 1pc  $16.00 Ea
           Pn# - INL13084 - 1pc  $21.00 Ea      1964 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 45  1966 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Center Carb Fitting & Gasket. 1/8"
                                                Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of Tin Coated Steel Tubing.
           1964-66 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Block. 1/8" Pipe Male                 Pipe female thread to accept the brass elbow.
           thread, Fuel Junction Block.         Pn# - PLE6401A - 3pc  $28.00 Set       66 RA Tri-Power 90 Block
             64-66 Tri-Power 105 Block          1964 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 45  Pn# - INL13088 - 1pc  $20.00 Ea
                                                Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of  Aluminum Tubing.
           Pn# - INL13085 - 1pc  $11.00 Ea                                           1966 Pontiac, GTO RA Tri-Power Fuel Elbow 45. 1/8" Pipe Male
           1964-66 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Elbow 105. 1/8" Pipe Male  Pn# - SPLE6401 - 3pc  $35.00 Set  thread, 90 Degree Fuel Block - Factory Correct.
           thread, 105 Degree Fuel Block - Factory Correct.
                                                1964 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 45
                   INL13086          INL13087   Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of  Stainless Steel Tubing.  INL14471  INL14472
                                                      65 Tri-Power Lines
                                                Pn# - PLE6501 - 3pc  $25.00 Set
                                                1965 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 105
                                                Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of Tin Coated Steel Tubing.
                                                Pn# - PLE6501A - 3pc  $28.00 Set     61-64 Choke Stove Housing
             64-66 Tri-Power 90 Block           1965 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 105  Pn# - INL14471 - 2pc  $34.00 Set
                                                Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of  Aluminum Tubing.
           Pn# - INL13086 - 1pc  $3.90 Ea                                            1961-64 Pontiac (all Models)  All V8, 4bbl & Tri Power Intake
                                                                                     Manifold Choke Stove Housing & Gasket. Inserts in manifold and
           1964-66 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Elbow 90. 1/8" Pipe Male  Pn# - SPLE6501 - 3pc  $35.00 Set  accepts choke tubes.
           thread, 90 Degree Fuel Block - Never used from the factory but a  1965 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 105
           less expensive alternative to the 105 block.  Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of  Stainless Steel Tubing.  61-64 Choke Stove Gasket
             64-65 Tri-Power 45 Block                                                Pn# - INL14472 - 1pc  $4.00 Ea
                                                1966 Tri-power        1966 Tri-power
           Pn# - INL13087 - 1pc  $5.95 Ea                            RA and HO Cars  1961-64 Pontiac (all Models)  All V8, 4bbl & Tri Power Intake
                                                                                     Manifold Choke Stove Housing Gasket. Goes between the intake
           1964-65 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Elbow 45. 1/8" Pipe Male              manifold and the choke stove base.
           thread, 45 Degree Fuel Block - Factory Correct.

                                                      66 Tri-Power Lines
                 INL13089          INL13090     Pn# - PLE6601 - 3pc  $25.00 Set
                64 Tri-Power Blocks             1966 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 105  65-67  Intake Choke Tube
                                                Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of Tin Coated Steel Tubing.
           Pn# - INL13089 - 3pc  $37.95 Set     Pn# - PLE6601A - 3pc  $28.00 Set     Pn# - INL14473 - 1pc  $28.00 Ea
           1964 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Blocks, 105 Rear Block, 45               1965 Pontiac (all Models) Tri Power, 4bbl, 2bbl, 1966 V8 4bbl &
           Center block & Front Fuel Block. 1/8" Pipe male thread ends.  1966 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 105  2bbl, 1967 2bbl,  Choke Stove Intake Tube. This tube replaces the
                                                Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of  Aluminum Tubing.  one inside the intake manifold exhaust crossover. Installs with a
              65-66 Tri-Power Blocks                                                 center punch once inside manifold.
                                                Pn# - SPLE6601 - 3pc  $35.00 Set
           Pn# - INL13090 - 3pc  $43.00 Set     1966 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear Line, 105
           1965-66 Pontiac, GTO Tri-Power Fuel Blocks, 105 Rear Block,  Center Line & Front Feed Line. Made of  Stainless Steel Tubing.
           105 Center block & Front Fuel Block. 1/8" Pipe male thread ends.
                                                 66 Tri-Power Lines -RA / HO
                                                                                         PLE6402      PLE6502
                                                Pn# - PLE6605 - 3pc  $25.00 Set
                                                1966 Pontiac, GTO RA / HO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear  64 Tri-Power Choke Tubes
                                                Line, 105 Center Line & Front Feed Line. Tin Coated Steel.
                                                                                     Pn# - PLE6402 - OE   $19.00 Set
                                                Pn# - PLE6605A - 3pc  $28.00 Set     Pn# - SPLE6402 - SS  $25.00 Set
                                                1966 Pontiac, GTO RA / HO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear  1964 Pontiac GTO 389 Cid with Tri - Power Choke Tubes. These
                                                Line, 105 Center Line & Front Feed Line. Aluminum Tubing.  go from the intake manifold to the center carburetor.
                                                Pn# - SPLE6605 - 3pc  $30.00 Set      65 Tri-Power Choke Tubes
                                                1966 Pontiac, GTO RA / HO Tri-Power Fuel Lines, 105 Rear
                                                Line, 105 Center Line & Front Feed Line. Stainless Steel Tubing.  Pn# - PLE6502 - OE  $19.00 Set
             Inline Tube does a ton of homework to                                   Pn# - SPLE6502 - SS  $25.00 Set
           research the parts we make. Every  part we  More Pump to Carb Lines       1965 Pontiac GTO 389 Cid with Tri - Power Choke Tubes. These
              make is verified off an original car.  in the Brake & Fuel Section     go from the intake manifold to the center carburetor.

                                               Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                             Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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