Page 5 - New Pontiac Engine Products - FEB 2019
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            Pontiac Engine  - Block                                                                            E05

            Pontiac Engine

               V8 Engine Block Plug                      INL11167  INL10257

           Pn# - INL12624 -1pc    $3.00 Ea          Pontiac Oil Pan Bolts
           1964-79 Pontiac V8 Back of Engine Pipe Plug (5/8" outside Dia or  Pn# - INL11167 -17 pc   $20.00 Set
           3/8" pipe thread) Located next to distributor hole.
                                                64-77 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Engine Oil Pan Bolts. Correct bolt
                Engine Block Plugs              used to hold the oil pan to the engine block. Correct Black  65-79 Pontiac Windage Tray
                                                Phosphate with Factory E Head Marking.
           Pn# - INL12787 -  2pc  $2.00 Set        Oil Pan Reinforcements           Pn# - INL13432 -1pc   $89.00 Ea
           1964-79 Pontiac V8 Engine Block Water Drain Plugs. Goes on               1965-79 Pontiac (all models) Factory Style V8 Engine Shorter
                                                                                    Style Windage Tray. Used on all High Performance Models. With
           each side of the engine block - used to drain the water from block.  Pn# - INL10257 -2pc   $12.00 Set  out the windage tray engines drop oil pressure at high rpms. Tray
                                                64-79 Pontiac Oil Pan Mounting Reinforcement Brackets 2pc.  keeps oil from being wiped around and sucked from the pan.
                                                Located at the rear of the oil pan to prevent rear pan leaks.

                     INL14950        INL14949
               64-79 Pontiac Oil Pan                                                 INL11907
           Pn# - INL14950- 1pc   $109.00 Ea           Oil Pan Gasket Set
           1964-71 Pontiac, (all models) V8 Engine Oil Pan with no baffle.  Pn# - INL11466 -Set  $21.00 Set  INL11906
           64-70 Had the front drain plug and 71 had the side plug. Can be
           used on all Pontiac V8 from 64-79.   1964-76 Pontiac Oil Pan Gasket Set. Used on all Pontiac V8.  Engine Block Bolts
                72-79 Baffel Oil Pan                  INL14389         INL11906                INL11906  INL11907

           Pn# - INL14949 - 1pc   $129.00 Ea
           1972-79 Pontiac (All Models) V8 Engine Oil Pan with Baffle. This
           has the correct side drain plug and baffel- black e-coat.
                                                    64-67 Ground Straps
                                                Pn# - INL14387 - 7pc  $17.00  Ea
                                                1964  Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest Radio Suppression
                                                Ground Straps with Correct Bolts & Screws. Passenger inner  Pn# - INL11906 -8pc   $4.00 Set
                                                fender to frame, engine block to firewall, coil to firewall.  65-73 Pontiac Windage Tray Mounting Kit. Used to hold the tray to
                                                                                     the crank caps.
                                                Pn# - INL14388 - 7pc  $17.00  Ea
                                                1965-67  Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest Radio Suppression  Pn# - INL11907 -4pc   $3.00 Set
                                                Ground Straps with Correct Bolts & Screws. Passenger inner  64-77 Pontiac Engine Oil Pump Mounting Bolts. Used to hold the
               64-79 Pontiac Oil Pan            fender to frame, engine block to firewall, coil to firewall.  pump to the block.
           Pn# - INL13431 -1pc  $129.00 Ea
           1964-79 Pontiac (all models) Factory Style V8 Engine Oil Pan
           with baffel. This has side drain plug like the 70-79 Models.

           INL12243                                             Short - front right inner fender
                                               Long - back of eng. to firewall  to top of frame  Rear Main Rope Seal
                                                    65-77 Ground Straps             Pn# - INL11464 -2pc   $8.00 Set
                                                                                    1964-79 Pontiac Rear Main Rope Seal. Used on all Pontiac V8.
                 Pontiac Drain Plug
           Pn# - INL12242 - 2pc  $6.00 Set
           1964-79 Pontiac Oil Pan Drain Plug & Washer All V8 - Has 9/16"
           hex head - original was 11/16".
                                                Pn# - INL11925 -6pc  $15.00 Set
           Pn# - INL12243 - 1pc  $5.00 Ea       1965-77 Pontiac GTO, Firebird Radio Suppression Ground
           1964-79 Pontiac Oil Pan Drain Plug - Has 9/16" hex head -  Straps with Correct Bolts & Screws. These are the only two
           original was 11/16".                 locations we have ever seen these straps.  Oil Pump Gasket
           Pn# - INL12244 - 1pc  $1.50 Ea      Inline Tube is on the Internet.      Pn# - INL11465 -1pc   $3.00 Ea
           1964-79 Pontiac Oil Pan Drain Plug Washer All V8 - Goes                  1964-79 Pontiac Oil Pump Gasket. Used on all Pontiac V8 to seal
           between the plug and the oil pan to seal the hole.  See our online catalog:  the oil pump to the block.
                                               Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                             Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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