Page 164 - Chevrolet Catalog
P. 164

Chevrolet - GMC Truck / Blazer K-series 4wd                                                         Page
          For C-series 2wd Trucks and Blazer see 2wd Section                                                  162

             1982-93 S-10 4wd Truck & S-15                                 Fuel Lines (Fuel Injected)  Stainless     OE Steel
                    Brake Lines              Stainless  OE Steel  CTF9344  1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
         CTB8243    82-88 S-10 Power Disc Brake Set $199.00  $165.00  CTF8946   2.5L, 4 cyl, 3pc, Std. cab, Shortbed $140.00  $115.00
                                                                           1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"
                    Standard Cab Shortbed 8pc
         CTB8244    82-88 S-10 Power Disc Brake Set $199.00  $165.00  CTF9345   2.5L, 4 cyl, 3pc, Std. cab, Longbed $140.00  $115.00
                                                                           1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"
                    Extended Cab Shortbed or                                2.5L, 4 cyl, 3pc, Ext. cab Shortbed
                    Standard Cab Longbed 8pc                    CTF9346    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
         CTB8946    89-93 S-10 Power Disc Brake Set $199.00  $165.00        2.5L, 4 cyl, 3pc, Ext. cab, Longbed
                    Standard Cab Shortbed 8pc                   CTF9347    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
         CTB8947    89-93 S-10 Power Disc Brake Set $199.00  $165.00        2.8L, V6, 3pc, Std. cab, Shortbed
                    Extended Cab Shortbed or                    CTF9348    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
                    Standard Cab Longbed 8pc                                2.8L, V6, 3pc, Std. cab, Longbed
                    Fuel Lines (Carbureted)                     CTF9349    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
         CTF8245    1982-88 Main Fuel Line   $85.00   $60.00                2.8L, V6, 3pc, Ext. Cab Shortbed
                     V6, 3/8", 1pc, Std cab, Shortbed           CTF9350    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
         CTF8246    1982-88 Main Fuel Line   $85.00   $60.00                2.8L, V6, 3pc, Ext. Cab Longbed             Preformed Lines
                     V6, 3/8", 1pc, Std cab, Longbed            CTF9351    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
                    and Extended Cab Shortbed                               4.3L, V6, 3pc, Std. cab, Shortbed
         CTF8941    1989-93  Main Fuel Line  $85.00   $60.00    CTF9352    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
                     V6, 3/8", 1pc, Std cab, Shortbed                       4.3L, V6, 3pc, Std. cab, Longbed
         CTF8942    1989-93 Main Fuel Line   $85.00   $60.00    CTF9353    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
                     V6, 3/8", 1pc, Std cab, Longbed                        4.3L, V6, 3pc, Ext. Cab Shortbed
                    and Extended Cab Shortbed                   CTF9354    1989-93 Main Fuel Line F.I. 3/8"  $140.00  $115.00
                    Fuel Return Lines (Carbureted)                          4.3L, V6, 3pc, Ext. Cab Longbed
         CTF8248    1982-88 Fuel Return Line  $85.00  $60.00               Fuel Return Lines (Fuel Injected)
                     V6, 1/4", 1pc, Std cab, Shortbed
         CTF8249    1982-88 Fuel Return Line  $85.00  $60.00    CTF9355    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                                                                            2.5L, 4 cyl, 2pc, Std. cab, Shortbed
                     V6, 1/4", 1pc, Std cab, Longbed            CTF9356    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                    and Extended Cab Shortbed
         CTF8944    1989-93  Fuel Return Line  $85.00  $60.00   CTF9357     2.5L, 4 cyl, 2pc, Std. cab, Longbed  $115.00
                                                                           1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00
                     V6, 1/4", 1pc, Std cab, Shortbed
         CTF8945    1989-93 Fuel Return Line  $85.00  $60.00    CTF9358     2.5L, 4 cyl, 2pc, Ext. cab Shortbed  $115.00
                                                                           1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00
                     V6, 1/4", 1pc, Std cab, Longbed                        2.5L, 4 cyl, 2pc, Ext. cab, Longbed
                    and Extended Cab Shortbed                   CTF9359    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                    Fuel Vapor Lines (Carbureted)                           2.8L, V6, 2pc, Std. cab, Shortbed
         CTF8251    1982-88 Fuel Vapor Line  $85.00   $60.00    CTF9360    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                     V6, 5/16", 1pc, Std cab, Shortbed                      2.8L, V6, 2pc, Std. cab, Longbed
         CTF8252    1982-88 Fuel Vapor Line  $85.00   $60.00    CTF9361    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                     V6, 5/16", 1pc, Std cab, Longbed                       2.8L, V6, 2pc, Ext. Cab Shortbed
                    and Extended Cab Shortbed                   CTF9362    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
         CTF8947    1989-93  Fuel Vapor Line  $85.00  $60.00                2.8L, V6, 2pc, Ext. Cab Longbed
                     V6, 5/16", 1pc, Std cab, Shortbed          CTF9363    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
         CTF8948    1989-93 Fuel Vapor Line  $85.00   $60.00                4.3L, V6, 2pc, Std. cab, Shortbed
                     V6, 5/16", 1pc, Std cab, Longbed           CTF9364    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                    and Extended Cab Shortbed                               4.3L, V6, 2pc, Std. cab, Longbed
                                                                CTF9365    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                             Inline Tube has a professional                 4.3L, V6, 2pc, Ext. Cab Shortbed
                             staff of sales representatives,    CTF9366    1989-93 Fuel Return Line F.I. 5/16" $140.00  $115.00
                             tech support reps and engi-                    4.3L, V6, 2pc, Ext. Cab Longbed
                             neers that can answer any
                             brake related question. Give                          Inline Tube is the only company
                             us a call. 586 532 1338                               that stocks thousands of lines
                                                                                   so your order can be pulled and
                         If your are in the Motor City be                          shipped the same day. Service
                         sure to stop and visit the Inline                         is what you want and that is
                         Tube showroom where we have                               what you get at Inline Tube.
                         all our latest products on display.

                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452                        15066 Technology Dr
                                           Tech Support 586. 532. 1338                        Shelby Twp, MI 48315
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