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Chevy Engine  - Alternator                                                                          Page

          Chevy Engine                                                                                        193

               GM Alternator Bolts                                                   Alternator Nut & Washer
         Pn# - INL11283 -4pc   $8.00 Set                                           Pn# - INL12820 - 2pc  $3.50 Set
         1964-79 GM Alternator bolts. Used to hold the 2 halves of the  GM Alternator Cap Spacer  1964-79 GM Alternator Fan & Pulley Hold Down Nut & Washer.
         alternator together. Phosphate Plating                                    Correct thin nut and thick washer.
         Pn# - INL11482 -4pc   $8.00 Set      Pn# - INL10101 - 1pc  $7.00 ea
         1964-79 GM Alternator bolts. Used to hold the 2 halves of the  1961-78 GM Alternator Cap Spacer. Special plastic washer sits
         alternator together. Silver Zinc Plating  against the body of alternator so the wire does not ground out and
                                              also has a lip to hold on the red or black plastic cover on.

                                                                                           Alternator Fan
              Alternator Rebuild Kit             Alt Cap & Spacer - Red            Pn# - INL12821 - 1pc  $16.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL11483-4pc     $18.00 Set    Pn# - INL10230 - 2pc  $11.00 Pair    1964-79 GM Alternator Fan  - Correct fan for GM alternators
      Engine  rebuild the alternator - no Internal Regulator. See service manual  1961-78 GM Alternator Red Cap & Hold Down Spacer. Used to
         1964-79 GM Alternator Rebuild Kit.  Brushes and springs used to
                                              cover the bare wire ends on the back of the alternator.
         for directions.

                                                 Alt Cap & Spacer - Black
                                              Pn# - INL10231 - 2pc  $11.00 Pair     Chevrolet  Alternator Brace
                                              1961-78 GM Alternator Black Cap & Hold Down Spacer. Used to  Pn# - INL13053 -2pc  $12.00 Set
               GM Alternator Bolts            cover the bare wire ends on the back of the alternator.  1969-1975 Chevrolet Engine Big Block Alternator Space Brace
         Pn# - INL12779 -2pc   $3.00 Set                                           Kit. With the correct vendor stamp A-B.
         1964-79 GM Alternator Adjustment bolt. Used to hold the
         alternator at the adjustment point. . Phosphate Plating.

                                             INL10259                    INL10269
                                                   Alternator Cap - Red
                                              Pn# - INL10259 - 1pc  $6.50 Ea
                                              1961-78 GM Alternator Red Cap. Used to cover the bare wire  Chevrolet  Alternator Bolt BB
              GM Alternator Nut Kit           ends on the back of the alternator.  Pn# - INL13054 -5pc  $11.00 Set
         Pn# - INL12780 -10pc  $6.00 Set          Alternator Cap - Black           1969-74 Chevrolet Engine Big Block Alternator Mounting Kit.
         1964-79 GM Alternator wire hold down nut and washer set. Used  Pn# - INL10269 - 1pc  $6.50 Ea  Correct with S head marking.
         to hold the power and ground wires to the alternator.
                                              1961-78 GM Alternator Black Cap. Used to cover the bare wire
                                              ends on the back of the alternator.

                                                                                   Chevrolet  Alternator Bolt SB
                                                      GM Wiring Clip               Pn# - INL13055 -4pc  $9.00 Set
           Chevrolet  Alternator Boot         Pn# - INL11134 -1pc   $2.50 Ea       1969-72 Chevrolet Engine Small Block Alternator Mounting Kit.
                                                                                   Correct with S head marking.
         Pn# - INL13052 -1pc   $2.50 Each     1964-79 GM Wiring Plastic Clip. This clip is used to hold wiring
         1965-75 Chevrolet Engine Alternator Rear Rubber Boot. Used so  into place. It is seen all over GM cars. Chevrolet -to hold the  The Professional Restorer's
         the wires can't be grounded.         alternator wires to the alt. bracket.           #1 Choice
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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