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64-79 Manual Transmission - Shifter                                                                 Page

          GM  Manual Transmission                                                                             231

         Pn# - INL10293 - Fine  $6.00 Ea            Hurst Shifter Lock
         Pn# - INL10294 - Course$6.00 Ea
         68-79 Muncie Shifter Handle Shift Ball Lock Nut. These are in  Pn# - INL13197 - 4pc  $32.00 Set
         both fine thread 5/16-24 and course thread 5/16-16 depending on  1967-78 Hurst Shifter Handle Retainer & Insulators. Used to hold
         the handle 1pc.                      the shifter handle in the body of the shifter.

                                                                                     4 Speed Shifter Mounting

              4 sp Shifter Knob Nut                                    INL13199

         Pn# - INL10675 -1pc   $10.00 Ea.           Hurst Shifter Lock
         Thin Shifter Knob Lock Nut. Used to lock the shifter knob in the
         right position.                      Pn# - INL13198 - 1pc  $11.50 Ea
                                              1967-78 Hurst Shifter Handle Retainer. Used to hold the shifter
                                              handle in the body of the shifter.   Pn# - INL10517 - 5pc  $13.00 Set
                                                  Hurst Shifter Insulator          67-69 Muncie Shifter 2pc Bolt Set. These are the bolts that hold
                                                                                   the shifter to the bracket that mounts to the transmission.
                                              Pn# - INL13199 - 1pc  $5.50 Ea
                                              1967-78 Hurst Shifter Handle Insulator. Used to hold the shifter
                                              handle in the body of the shifter.

                                                                                   Pn# - INL10283 - 2pc  $12.00 Set
                                                                                   70-79 Muncie Shifter 2 pc bolt set. These are the bolts that hold
                                                                                   the shifter to the bracket that mounts to the transmission.
         Inline Tube has thousands of lines in stock,
      Transmission  your door step in a few days.  Pn# - INL11287 -1pc  $25.00 Ea  Pn# - INL10518 - 6pc  $8.00 Set
         so your order ships in 24-48 hours and is at
                                                  67-69 4sp Shifter Plate
                                              1967-69 GM A-body 4sp Shifter Plate. Used to hold the shifter to
                                              the trans. Inline tube Factory Exact Part.
                                                                                   67-69  4 Speed Shifter mounting Bracket to Trans Body Bolt Kit
                                                                                   6pc set -For aluminum bracket.

           Inline tube manufacturers thousands of
              factory correct restoration parts.

                             Inline Tube                                           Pn# - INL10216 - 4pc  $8.00 Set
                             products have                                         70-79  4 Speed Shifter Mounting Bracket to Trans Body Bolt Kit
                             been featured in     70-79 4sp Shifter Plate          4pc Set - Steel bracket.
                             hundreds of      Pn# - INL11286 -1pc  $32.00 Ea
                             magazines and    1970-79 GM A-body 4sp Shifter Plate. Used to hold the shifter to
                             has provided     the transmission.
                             parts for all the
                             top show cars
                             you find on the
                                                                                   Pn# - INL10618 - 1pc  $8.00 Ea
                 New Products In Red           Inline Tube writes restoration articles that  67-69 Muncie Shifter Mount Nut. This is the special nut that holds
                                              are featured in all your favorite magazines.  the shifter to the mounting plate.  Used for shifter adjustment.

                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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