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Interior - Heater Box                                                                               Page

          Interior Detail Items                                                                               246

                                                  Heater Cable Screws
                                              Pn# - INL12657 - 6pc  $5.00 Set
                                              1964-72 GM Heater Control Cables Mounting Screws.
                                              Special 1/4" tall head screw used to hold cable housing in place.
                                                                                    Heater Box Cable Brackets
         64-79 Blower Resistor No AC
         Pn# - INL13077 - 1pc  $29.00 Ea
         1964-79 GM Non AC Heater Box Blower Motor Resistor.This is
         held to the top of the heater box inside the car. This switch is often
         the cause of the motor not working on all speeds or at all.
                                                 Heater Cable Retainers
                                              Pn# - INL12658 - 6pc  $4.00 Set
                                              1964-72 GM Heater Control Inner Cables Retaining Clips. Used  Pn# - INL13163 - 3pc  $22.00 Set
                                              to hold cable ends in place at the studs.  1968-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Non AC Heater Box
                                                                                  Cable Brackets. Used to hold heater cables at the heater box.

           64-72 Blower Resistor AC
         Pn# - INL13078 - 1pc  $28.00 Ea
         1964-72 GM AC Heater Box Blower Motor Resistor.This mounts
         on the top of the blower motor case on the firewall. This switch is
         often the cause of the motor not working on all speeds or at all.
                                                 64-81 Heater Core Clips           Pn# - INL13164 - 1pc  $9.00 Ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Non AC Heater Box
                                              Pn# - INL13641 - 2pc  $29.00 Set     Cable Bracket A. Used to hold heater cables at the heater box.
                                              1964-81 GM, 1967-81 F-body Camaro / Firebird, 1964-72 GM A-
                                              body Chevelle, GTO, 442, Skylark,  1968-1979 Nova, 1971-1974
                                              Ventura, 73-74 Omega / Apollo,  1965-1970 Fullsize Chevy,  1966-
                                              1970 All Pontiac, 1969-1972 Grand Prix,  Spring Steel Blue
                                              Heater Core Retainer Clips (All Models) - For Mounting Heater
                                              Core into the Heater Box.
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13165 - 1pc  $7.00 Ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Non AC Heater Box
                                                                                   Cable Bracket B. Used to hold heater cables at the heater box.
             64-79 Resistor Screws
         Pn# - INL13079 - 2pc  $1.50 Set
         1964-79 GM AC & Non AC Heater Box Blower Motor Resistor  Front  Back
         hold down screws. Used to mount the switch to the box.                                                         Paperwork, Interior
                                                GM Heater Box Deflector
                                              Pn# - INL14359 - 1pc  $26.00 ea      Pn# - INL13166 - 1pc  $7.00 Ea
                                              1964-72 GM  A-body  Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, 70-72 Monte  1968-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Non AC Heater Box
                                                                                   Cable Bracket C. Used to hold heater cables at the heater box.
                                              Carlo, 69-72 Grand Prix. AC & Non AC Heater Box Heat
                                                                                        Heater Box Screws
                                              Deflector. Used to deflect heat at floor center hump.
               Wire / Cable Strap
         Pn# - INL10758 -1pc    $3.00 Ea
         64-78 GM A/F-body Wire / Cable strap. Used in wiring and to
         hole cables together. Also on GTO 70-72 fuel lines.
                                                        INL11988  INL11989
                                                   68-72 Firewall Plugs
                                              Pn# - INL11988 - 1pc  $8.50 Ea
                                              1968-72 GM A-body Throttle Cable Location Firewall Plug -  Pn# - INL13167 - 15pc  $6.75 Set
                                              Style 1. Used to fill the extra hole in the firewall at the throttle cable  1968-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Non AC Heater Box
                                              location on all T-400 & M/T cars, more common to 68-71 cars.  Cable & Bracket Screws. Used to mount brackets and cables.
             Blower Motor Screws              Pn# - INL11989 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea
         Pn# - INL11461 -5pc   $2.50 Set      1968-72 GM A-body Throttle Cable Location Firewall Plug -   Heater Cores
         1964-79 GM Blower Motor to Cowl Heater Box Mounting Screws  Style 2. Used to fill the extra hole in the firewall at the throttle cable
         Used to hold the blower motor to the metal heater box.  location on all T-400 & M/T cars, more common to 71-72 cars.  in the Cowl Section
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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