Page 2 - Master Catalog
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Introduction & Superior Technology

                                              Introduction                         State of the Art Computer
                                   Dear Inline Customer,                           Technology an Inline Tube
                                     Inline Tube offers a variety of products ranging from
                                   preformed lines, straight length sets for the street rod         Exclusive
                                   enthusiast, parking brake cables, brake and fuel line       1.  This machine allows Inline
                                   clips, stainless and OEM brake flex hoses,                  Tube to precisely scan and pro-
                                   proportioning valves, disc brake conversions, rear          gram all original factory lines
                                   drum brakes, gas tanks and sending units, detail items,     with the accuracy of .005, or
                                   and our latest product: Inline tube exhaust.                the thickness of a human hair.
       Brake & Fuel Line             All of our preformed lines ship complete with correct     This means no guess work or
            Clip Sets              factory bends, exact factory fittings and 45 degree         human interpretation of lengths
                                                                                               or angles. This step is the most
                                   double flared ends. These lines also have correct size  critical to achieve an accurate shape. The information
                                   wire spring wrap or cloth wrap where used on the  scanned from this machine is then compiled to form a
                                   original line. All you have to do is bolt them into place.
                                                                              blueprint and is downloaded to the computer bender.
                                     Countless hours and immense research has been
                                   spent to ensure that the product is 100% authentic in
                                   appearance, application and fit. Inline Tube  Your Blueprint for
                                   manufactures all its own preformed lines, fittings, hoses  Precision
        Inline Tube has            and clamps to ensure the high quality of our product.  2.  This blueprint is what allows the
       expanded into a               With over 14,000 tubes in our current inventory Inline  bender to know what to do. There is
      new 45,000 Sq. Ft.           Tube is the industry leader in computer precision  an individual blueprint for the over
                                                                              12,000 lines that Inline Tube manu-
                                   preformed brake and fuel lines.
        state of the art                                                      factures. Each print lists the 3 di-
                                     Inline tube has a staff of highly trained sales personal,
        manufacturing              technical service representatives and mechanical  mensional data of the angles, lengths and rotations to
                                                                              produce only the highest quality part shapes available.
      facility, 40 minutes         engineers to ensure your receive the best service,              CNC Computer
     north east of Detroit         the correct information and the highest quality parts on
      in beautiful Shelby          the market.                                                        Bent Lines
      Twp., MI. Eighteen             Inline Tube bends over one million feet of tube, using       3. The final step to the pro-
                                                                                                  cess is to have a computer
       years ago, Inline           350,000 tube nuts and 100,000 feet of spring wrap              bender that can read the
                                   each year. We are the Brake Plumbing Experts.
     tube started out of a                                                                        computer files directly from
                                     Inline Tube is located in the heart of the motor city
     2 car garage making           "Detroit" where automobiles are not just transportation,       the programming equipment
                                                                                                  above. This is the newest
      a few different line         but a way of life.                         state of the art bender which requires no hand pro-
      sets. Today Inline            The difference in our product is a perfect fit.  graming or test samples. This machine has a three head
                                                                              carriage which allows for different radius bends in the
        Tube produces                       Keep it Inline.                   same part shape. This feature ensures exact factory
     thousands of  lines,                                                     duplication. Inline Tube is the exclusive manufacture
        parking brake                                                         with 4 computer benders.
      cables, hoses and                 Ordering Information                   Only one com-
      valves for all clas-         Phone in your order Toll Free: 800 385 9452  pany assures a
     sics from the 40's to         24 Hour Fax Line: 586 532 1339                 perfect fit
            the 90's.              General Info / Tech Support: 586 532 1338  4.  Inline tube has spent
                                   Mail in your order:                        countless hours and im-
                                                                              mense research to ensure
                                          Inline Tube - Order Dept.           the parts that are ordered
                                          15066 Technology Drive              for your pride and joy are the highest precision parts
                                          Shelby Twp. Mi 48315                on the market.
                                   Business Hours: Mon - Fri  8:30am - 6pm          Precision Final Products
                                   All Packages are shipped Fed Ex unless     5.  Inline Tube's products are manufactured to exceed
                                   specified alternate shipping company.      all DOT, SAE and ISO Specifications. All lines and
                                                                              fittings are 45 degree standard automotive specifica-
                                                                              tion. All  stainless tubes are made using  seamless 304
                                                                              nonmagnetic stainless steel and pressure tested to
                                                                              6000 psi burst. Inline Tube is your blueprint for preci-
      Proportional valves                                                     sion in preformed brake and fuel lines.
        are available for                  Toll Free Order Line:
         most cars and                      800 385 9452
              trucks.                Web Site:

     Why Struggle with manual bent           Order Line: 800 - 385 - 9452
         tubes - Inline Tube uses           Tech Support: 586 - 532 - 1338                      nline tube
                                                                                                nline tube
         CNC precision benders .        
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