Page 272 - Master Catalog
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Brake Cables - Buick Skylark Page
Parking Brake Cable Sets 270
GM A-Body Brake Cables GM A-Body Brake Cables
1964-72 Buick GS 1973-77 Century / GS
Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel
Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel FT706 1973-77 Front Cable - T350 / MT $55.00 $45.00
1973-77 Front Cable - T400
FT263 1964-67 Front Cable $45.00 $35.00 IN400 1973-77 Inter CableT350 / MT $19.00 $14.00
Power Glide, Manual Trans IN401 1973-77 Inter CableT400 $19.00 $14.00
FT407 1967 Front Turbo-400 Trans $45.00 $35.00 RE672 1973-77 Rear Cable, Each $50.00 $45.00
FT263 1968-72 Front Cable $45.00 $35.00 EC005 Connectors: Inter to Rear, Each $5.00 OE $5.00
PG, T-350, Manual Trans H0008 Large Crossmember Hook $8.00 OE $8.00
FT407 1968-72 Front Turbo-400 Trans $45.00 $35.00 H0017 73-77 Side Frame Hooks, Pair $16.00 OE $16.00
EC0041 Equalizer with 2 Nuts $5.00 OE $5.00
IN276 1964-67 Intermediate Cable $19.00 $14.00 EC0047 Cable Clip, 3 Required $2.00 OE $2.00
Power Glide, Manual Trans
IN408 1967 Intermediate Cable T-400 $19.00 $14.00 The Entire Set Stainless OE Steel
IN365 1968-72 Intermediate Cable $19.00 $14.00 BSO7301 73-77 Century/GS Set -T350 / MT $179.00 $119.00
PG, T-350, Manual Trans
Hardware IN352 1968-72 Intermediate Cable T-400 $19.00 $14.00 BSO7302 73-77 Century/GS Set -T400 $179.00 $119.00 Hardware
Includes Everything Listed Above
Includes Everything Listed Above
1964-67 Rear Cable, Each
GM G-Body Brake Cables
& RE395 1968-72 Rear Cable, Each $45.00 $35.00 78-87 Regal / Gran National &
$5.00 OE
Connectors: Inter to Rear ea.
Cables H68G2 64-72 Large Hook Turbo 350 $8.00 OE $8.00 BSG7802 Cables
68-72 Large Hook Turbo 400
$8.00 OE
$4.00 OE
Small Hook, 2 Required
$5.00 OE
Equalizer with 2 Nuts
Brake EC0047 Cable Clip, 3 Required $2.00 OE $2.00 Brake
Parking Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel Parking
FT935 1978-88 Man Trans Front Cable $55.00 $45.00
1978-80 Auto Trans Front Cable
FT474 1981-88 Man Trans Front Cable $55.00 $45.00
The Entire Set Stainless OE Steel RE945 1978-88 Rear Cable, Left $55.00 $45.00
BSG6401 1964-67 Skylark Manual, PG $159.00 $115.00 RE265 1978-88 Rear Cable, Right $65.00 $55.00
BSG6701 1967 Skylark T-400 $169.00 $119.00
BSG6801 1968-72 Skylark PG, T-350, Man $169.00 $119.00 The Entire Set Stainless OE Steel
BSG6802 1968-72 Skylark T-400 $169.00 $119.00 BSH7801 78-88 MT, 81-88 AT Regal/GN Set $189.00 $119.00
Includes Everything Listed Above
Inline Tube carries hundreds of BSH7802 78-80 Automatic Regal/GN Set $189.00 $119.00
hoses and now we have made all Includes Everything Listed Above
the frame brackets for the When ordering Stainless Steel cables, please
popular cars. place an "S" in front of the part number.
Order Line 800. 385. 9452 15066 Technology Dr
Tech Support 586. 532. 1338 Shelby Twp, MI 48315