Page 309 - Master Catalog
P. 309

          Factory Style GM & Mopar Cable Hardware                                                             Pa

          Factory Exact Parking Brake Hardware                                                                307

           67-74 Mopar A-body Hwd               72-74 Mopar Cable Hook
         Pn# - INL13329 -8pc   $39.00 Set     Pn# - MH002 -1pc     $7.00 Ea             Mopar Cable Clevis
         1967-74 Mopar A Body Parking Brake Cable Hardware All the  1972-74 Mopar E/B Body Transmission Crossmount to Center  Pn# - EC0043 -1pc  $5.00 Ea
         hardware to connect up the cables on your car.  Cable 6" Hook. Holds tension to the center cable.
                                                                                   1960-80 Mopar Front Parking Brake Cable Clevis (all Models )
                                                                                   Connects the front cable to the pedal.

         70-71 Mopar E/B-body Hook              70-71 Mopar Cable Hook
         Pn# - INL13330 -9pc   $42.00 Set     Pn# - MH004 -1pc     $7.00 Ea
         1970-71 Mopar E/B Body Parking Brake Cable Hardware All the  1970-71 Mopar E/B Body Transmission Crossmount to Center
         hardware to connect up the cables on your car.  Cable 7 1/4" Hook. Holds tension to center cable.
                                                                                    If you are upgrading to disc brakes, we
                                                                                    have the valve you need. We carry valves
                                                                                    for  all disc/drum or disc/disc applications
                                                                                    for both cars and trucks.

         72-74 Mopar E/B-body Hook            Pn# - MH003 -1pc     $12.50 Ea
                                                67-74 Mopar A-body Hook
                               $42.00 Set
         Pn# - INL13331 -9pc
     Hardware  1972-74 Mopar E/B Body Parking Brake Cable Hardware All the  1967-74 Mopar A Body Parking Brake Cable Adjustment Hook,13  Hardware
         hardware to connect up the cables on your car.
                                              1/4" Long. Threaded end for cable adjustment.
     &                                                                              All Inline cables are manufac-       &
     Cables                                   Pn# - MH001 -1pc     $12.50 Ea       tured in a 45,000 sq ft state-of-     Cables
                                              70-74 Mopar E/B-body Hook
                                                                                    the-art facility, located in the
                                                                                             Motor City.
     Brake  If you have a brake question,     1970-74 Mopar E/B Body Parking Brake Cable Adjustment  Before you restore, pick up one of  Brake
                                              Hook,18 1/4" Long. Threaded end for cable adjustment.
                                                                                           our vehicle specific catalogs.
                                                            At Inline tube we use our
     Parking  we have the answer. We have                   vehicles.  We pass along       Download at  Parking
                                                              products on our own
          been working on brake
                                                             that knowledge in tech
          systems for over 25 years. Give
                                                              and how to articles
          us a call,  we can help.
                                                              featured in all your
                                                              favorite magazines.
                                                              Inline Tube ships out
                                                              over 400 orders a day
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                New Products In Red                          inlinetube                 pricing give us a call

                                            Order Line 800. 385. 9452                         15066 Technology Dr
                                           Tech Support 586. 532. 1338                        Shelby Twp, MI 48315
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