Page 396 - Master Catalog
P. 396

          Brakes - Rubber Brake Hose Brackets                                                                 394

          Brakes - Front Disc / Drum

                                               64-67 Brake Hose Brackets
          67 A-body Caliper Hose Brk
         Pn# - GMHB01 - 2pc    $32.00 Set     Pn# - INL10715 -2pc    $22.00 Set
                                              1964-67 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Disc / Drum Front
         1967 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS 4 Piston Caliper Disc  Brake Hose Frame Mounting Brackets. Used to hold the front
         Brake Hose Brackets. Used where brake hose connects to caliper  brake hose at the frame where the brake hard line connects to the
         hard line.                           hose.
                                                                                     69 F Disc Brake Brackets

                                                                                   Pn# - INL10598       $39.00 Set
                                                                                   1969 GM F-body Camaro / Firebird / Nova Front Disc Brake
                                                                                   Hose Bracket Set - With bolts, line clamp, and hose clips.
                                                                                   69 Camaro, 69 Firebird, 69-74 Nova, 73-74 Ventura, 74 GTO,
                                                                                   73-74 Omega, 73-74 Apollo.
          68 A-body Caliper Hose Brk             68 A-body Hose Bracket            67-69 Camaro, Firebird - 68-74 Nova, Ventura - conversion
                                                                                   to disc brakes.
         Pn# - GMHB02 - 2pc    $19.95 Set     Pn# - GMHB03 - 2pc   $24.00 Set
         1968 GM A-body Chevelle, 442, GS 4 Piston Caliper Disc Brake  1968 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Frame Brake Hose
         Hose Brackets. Used where brake hose connects with caliper hard  Bracket. Used where hard brake line connects to brake hose at the
         line.                                frame.

                                                                                     69 F Disc Brake Brackets
                                                                                   Pn# - INL10598       $39.00 Set
                                                69-72 Disc Hose Brackets           1969 GM F-Body Camaro / Firebird / Nova Front Disc Brake
              68 Caliper Hose Brk
     Clips  Pn# - GMHB17 - 2pc  $29.00 Set    Pn# - GMHB05 - 2pc    $23.00 Set                                          Clips
                                                                                   Hose Bracket Set - With bolts, line clamp, and hose clips.
                                              1969-1972 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Disc Brake
                                              Frame Brake Hose Brackets. Used on factory disc brake cars to
         1968 GM A-body GTO, 67-68 F-body Firebird, 4 Piston Caliper
     Fuel  Disc Brake Hose Brackets. Used where brake hose connects with  hold the brake hose at the brake line connection. Also for  Fuel
         caliper hard line.
                                              converting 69-72 A-body to disc brakes.
     &                                                                                                                  &
     Brake                                                                                                              Brake

     &     F/X Body Hose Brackets                                                                                       &
                                                                                       69 F/X-body Hose Brk
     Sets  Pn# - INL12508 - 2pc  $26.00 Set   Pn# - GMHB04 - 2pc   $24.00 Set      Pn# - GMHB09 - 2pc   $28.00 Set      Sets
                                               69-72 Drum Hose Brackets
         1967-1968 F/X-body Chevrolet Camaro / Pontiac Firebird Front
     Hose  Disc or Drum Hose Brackets. Also for 1969 Camaro, 1968-74  1969-1972 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Drum Brake,  1969 GM F-body Camaro / Firebird, 1969-1974 X-body, Nova  Hose
                                                                                   Frame Disc Brake Hose Brackets. Used where brake line
                                              Frame Brake Hose Brackets. Used on drum brake cars to hold the
         Nova, 1971-74 Ventura, 1973-74 Omega / Apollo Front Drum
                                                                                   connects with brake hose at top of sub-frame.
         Brake Brackets.
                                              brake hose at the brake line connection.
     Stainless                                                                                                          Stainless

     -                                                                                                                  -
     Rubber  67-68 F-body Hose Brk                67-68 Impala Hose Brk                Firebird Drum Brackets           Rubber

         Pn# - GMHB06 - 2pc
                               $18.95 Set
                                                                                   1969 Pontiac Firebird, 1971-74 Ventura, 1974 GTO Front Drum
         1967-1968 GM F/X-body, Camaro / Firebird / Nova Disc Brake  Pn# - GMHB20 - 2pc  $24.00 Set  Pn# - INL12546 - 2pc  $26.00 Set
         Caliper Brake Hose Brackets. Used where brake hose connects  1967-1968 Chevrolet Fullsize Impala Front Disc/Drum Brake Hose  Hose Brackets. Factory drum brake brackets or also used with all
         with caliper hard line.              Brackets. Bolts to Frame, hose is clipped to brake hose bracket.  aftermarket disc brake conversions.
                                            Order Line 800. 385. 9452                         15066 Technology Dr
                                           Tech Support 586. 532. 1338                        Shelby Twp, MI 48315
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