Page 516 - Master Catalog
P. 516

Ordering Information

                     Ordering                         Damaged Packages - Shipping

                 Phone in your order               Inspect damages and content within 48 hours of
                                                   receipt and report damages or shortages immedi-
        Call  U.S. Order line 800-385-9452, or 586-532-1338  ately.
        Business Hours are: Mon- Friday, 8:30 am - 6:00pm        Shortages
        Eastern Standard Time                      If there is a mistake on your order, please contact us
                  Fax in your order                immediately and we will make arrangements for the  Stainless & OEM
        The Inline Tube fax line is open 24 hours 7 days a  exchange of the correct items. Please provide the
        week. 586-532-1339. When sending a fax please  sales person with your invoice number. Shortages  Parking Brake
        include a return fax number and phone number.  must be reported with in 7 days.                Cables
                  Mail in your order                 Returns & Refunds: Stock Items
        Fill out the order form found online or at the back of  You can return any new, unused stock item part to
        your catalog and include your year, make and model.  us anytime within 30 days of the date of purchase  At Inline tube we use our
        Please be sure to have your full address and phone  for an exchange or full refund. For orders on stock  products on our own
        number on the order. All mail orders must be prepaid,  items over 30 days, there is a  20% restocking fee.  cars that can be seen at
        including shipping charges. Sorry no personal  Returns & Refunds: Non Stock              auto events all over the
        checks accepted. When your order is received a                                           country.
        sale representative will contact and confirm the           Items
        order.                                     A non stock item is a part not in inventory, the part is
                   Online Ordering                 made when the order is placed. There is absolutely
        Inline Tube has a full length catalog on our web site:  no return on non stock items. There is also no return
                                                   on special or custom made orders.  If the part is, When ordering online, be sure to fill  defective we will exchange the item for the exact
        out all the requested information and phone numbers.
        A sale representative will contact you to confirm the  same item. All straight length tube, once cut to length,
                                                   is not returnable.
        order details.
                      Payment                             Damaged or Used Parts
        Credit Cards -Inline tube accepts VISA, MASTER  All returned goods are to be in re-saleable condition.
                                                   This means we will not return a part used on the car,
        CARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS, PAYPAL.  greasy, beat up, bent or with out the original box.
                      Sales Tax                    Re-saleable parts  must be in the same condition as
        Orders outside the State of Michigan are not required  you received it.
        to pay sales tax. Michigan orders will be charged 6%  Returns Procedures
        sales tax.                                 1. Please call customer service and obtain a RETURN
                  Express Shipping                 AUTHORIZATION NUMBER. This number allows the
        Unfortunately Inline Tube does not offer any express  package to be accepted when it reaches Inline tube.
        shipping. Because of the size of the box, all products  2. Return the part in the original box with a copy of
        ship Fed Ex Ground. Call for other shipping methods.  the invoice. The invoice number (which is located in
                    C.O.D. Orders                  the upper right corner of the invoice) must be clearly
        Inline Tube does not offer C.O.D. shipping, call in your  marked on the box. The box will not be accepted
        payment method and the products will be shipped on  without the invoice number on the box.
        the same day we process payment.           3. We Suggest you ship by United Parcel Service
                       Pricing                     (UPS) or Fed Ex Ground if there is a problem or the
        Prices in this catalog were in effect at the time of  package is lost, it may be tracked.
                                                   4. Address your return to the address listed below.
        printing and supersede all prices in previous             Inline Tube
        catalogs. Inline Tube reserves the right to change
        prices without notice.
                                                           Returns Department
              Buying a Quality Product                       15066 Technology Drive
        Inline Tube is very proud of it's product. The high  Shelby Township, MI 48315
        quality of our product is only possible with your  In our effort to provide you with the best parts at the
        comments as the end user. We appreciate your  lowest prices, we do not provide return labels for  Brake Hoses are
        comments and suggestions, and will use them  to  parts pickup. The customer will pay shipping on all
        achieve an even better product.            return orders. Please ship the parts directly thru UPS  offered in both
                                                   or Fed Ex. Mail box stores charge service and  Stainless and OEM
        If you or any of your friends have original cars with  packing fees.                           Rubber
        original lines that we do not currently have in our
        catalog please let us know. We are always interested
        in high quality original lines to use as a model for  Copyright Information
        future lines.                              Inline Tube 2018   5 catalog is copyrighted. No part of
                                                   this catalog may be reproduced, including text,
         Toll Free Order Line 800 385 9452         pictures or concept of layout without written
       Web Site:                    permission from Inline Tube. All Rights Reserved.

                                      Order Line: 800 - 385 - 9452                      For the highest quality parts

            nline tube
            nline tube            24 Hour Fax       line 586 - 532 - 1339                and best price count on the
                                                            industry leader - Inline Tube.
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