Page 44 - Pontiac Interior
P. 44
Interior - Door & Door Jamb Hardware
INL10821 64-65 Door Piller Seals
69 Door Jamb Vents GM Door Strikers Pair Pn# - INL12931 - 2pc $22.00 Pr
Pn# - INL11364-2pc $39.00 Pr 1964-65 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Quarter Window
69 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442 GS, Monte Carlo & Grand Pn# - INL10821 -2pc $22.00 Ea Piller Seal. Located in the door jamb at the quarter window. Used
Prix Door Jamb Vents. Located in door jamb next to striker. 1964-69 Allen Head GM Door Strikers - All Models - will also to seal the slot that the window seal rides in.
work on 71-81 and newer but the hex changed to a star bit indent.
Pn# - INL11212 -6pc $12.00 Set
64-81 GM A-body Door Striker Washer Shim Kit 2 Thick .150 & 4
thin .075. Used to shim door striker to get correct door gap and
latch location.
70-81 Door Jamb Vents 66-67 Door Piller Seals
Pn# - INL11365-2pc $49.00 Pr Pn# - INL12932 - 2pc $22.00 Pr
1966-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Quarter Window
70-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442 GS, Monte Carlo & Grand Piller Seal. Located in the door jamb at the quarter window. Used
Prix, & 70-81 F-body Firebird, Camaro Door Jamb Vents. Located to seal the slot that the window seal rides in.
in door jamb next to striker.
INL15237 GM Door Striker Each
Pn# - INL15298 -1pc $10.00 ea
1964-69 Allen Head GM Door Striker - All Models - will also work
on 71 -82 but the hex changed to a star bit 20151275
67-69 Door Jamb Vents 68-72 Quarter Piller Seal
Pn# - INL15237-1pc $25.00 Ea Pn# - INL12337 - 2pc $18.00 Set
64-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442 GS, 67-69 F-body Camaro
/ Firebirtd, 68-74 Nova, 71-74 Ventura, 73-74 Omega / Apollo, Convertible Striker Set 1968-72 GM A-body Side Quarter Window Piller Seals.Located at
Door Jamb Vent - Located in door jamb next to striker. the door jamb and quarter window at the door panel. GTO Only.
Pn# - INL15149-16pc $50.00 Set
Pn# - INL15236-2pc $49.00 Pr 1968-72 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Convertible Door
64-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442 GS, 67-69 F-body Camaro Jamb Guides, Shims, Striker Plates & Screws. This is for both
/ Firebirtd, 68-74 Nova, 71-74 Ventura, 73-74 Omega / Apollo, doors. (may be used on other full size cars)
Door Jamb Vents - Located in door jamb next to striker.
Quarter Seal Mounting Kit
69-81 Door Jamb Vents Pn# - INL11820 8pc $4.50 Set
Pn# - INL11366-2pc $2.00 Pr 1968-72 GM A-body Quarter Window Seal Hardware Kit 6 pc
Used to hold the rubber seal to the inside door jamb quarter.
70-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442 GS, Monte Carlo & Grand Convertible Striker Set
Prix, & 70-81 F-body Firebird, Camaro Door Jamb Vent Screws.
Correct black with large head.
Pn# - INL15148-8pc $26.00 Set
1968-72 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Convertible Door
Jamb Guides, Shims, Striker Plates & Screws. Two sets are used
per car. (may be used on other full size cars)
Door Jamb Sill Plates
Pn# - INL11837 -2pc $64.00 Pair
1964-67 GM A-body Ribbed Door Jamb Sill Plates Right & Left. F/X-body U - Jamb Seals
Correct - with Fisher logo badge riveted to sill plate. Door Sill Plate Screws
Pn# - INL11838 -2pc $46.00 Pair Pn# - INL11485-8pc $3.75 Set Pn# - INL13093 - 2pc $18.00 Set
1968-72 GM A-body Ribbed Door Jamb Sill Plates Right & Left. 1964-77 GM Door Sill Plate Screws. Used to hold the door sill 1969 GM F-body (Camaro / Firebird), 1968-74 X-body (Nova /
Ventura) Quarter Door Jamb Window Seals. These are located in
Correct - with Fisher logo badge riveted to sill plate. plates to the door jamb. the door jamb and seal the quarter window.