Page 100 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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          Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security (Re-tabled APP)

           Outcome      Functional, efficient and integrated sector
           Outputs      Output indicator  Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement  Annual target     Actual Outputs              Reasons for Deviation from
                                          2018/2019          2019/2020          2020/21             2020/2021                   2020/21 target

          Nutritious    Number of         A total of 1 160   A total of 1 876 860   3 300 000 individuals  10 006 423 individuals   The target for Food and Nutrition
          food provided   individuals     433 vulnerable     vulnerable         accessing nutritious   accessed nutritious foods   was exceeded mainly due to the
          to poor,      accessing         individuals        individuals accessed   foods through DSD   through DSD Food        additional funding (Relief Fund of
          vulnerable    nutritious foods   accessed food     food through DSD   Food Programmes     Programmes                  R500 million) received from the
          and           through DSD Food   through DSD       feeding programmes.                                                National Treasury by provinces in
          marginalised   Programmes       feeding                                                                               response to Covid-19 pandemic to
          (pvm) people                    programmes.                                                                           provide food within provinces.

                        Number of         N/A                N/A                1000 000 households  2 348 848 households       The target for Food and Nutrition
                        households                                               accessing nutritious   accessed nutritious food   was exceeded mainly due to the
                        accessing                                                food through DSD   through DSD Food            additional funding (Relief Fund of
                        nutritious food                                          Food Programmes    Programmes                  R500 million) received from
                        through DSD Food                                                                                        National Treasury by provinces in
                        Programmes                                                                                              response to Covid-19 pandemic to
                                                                                                                                provide food within provinces.

           Programme to   Programme to link   N/A            N/A                 Framework for the   Framework on Programme to   No deviation
           link social   social protection                                       programme          Link  Social Protection
           protection   beneficiaries to                                          developed          Beneficiaries to Sustainable
           beneficiaries   sustainable                                                               Livelihood Opportunities
           to sustainable   livelihood                                                              Developed and ready for
           livelihood   opportunities                                                               external consultations

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