Page 161 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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             Capital Investments                                Asset Management

             The Department’s movable capital assets consist mainly   The  Department  adheres  to  the  Asset  Management
             of  office  furniture  and  equipment,  vehicles,  ICT   Framework  issued  by  the  National  Treasury.  The
             infrastructure  and  equipment  as  well  as  kitchen   Department’s asset register complies with the minimum
             appliances.                                        information required in terms of the Asset Management
                                                                Framework.  During  the  period  under  review,  all  new
             The  Department  of  Social  Development  received   assets received were barcoded and issued to the rightful
             financial assistance from the German Development Bank   owner.  Yearly  verification  has  been  conducted  and  the
             (KfW)  to  build  seventeen  (17)  Community  Care  Centres   asset register had been updated.
             (CCCS) six in Kwa-Zulu Natal, six in North West and five
             in   Limpopo   provinces)   to   implement   quality   The  Disposal  Committee  had  been  appointed  by  the
             Comprehensive  Package  of  social  services  and  skills   Acting Director-General and has disposed 954 assets to
             development  programmes  for  community  caregivers  a   the value of R4.4m.
             well as for the beneficiaries.

             Out of the 17 Community Care Centres, a total of 11 CCCs
             were completed in the three provinces six in Kwa-Zulu
             Natal,  two  in  Limpopo  and  three  in  the  North  West
             provinces). The remaining three CCCs in the North West
             province  will  be  completed  in  the  2021/2022  financial
             year at a total cost of R90 935 690,05.
             A new service provider will be appointed to complete the
             three remaining CCC’s in the Limpopo Province since the
             contract  with  the  current  service  provider  was
             terminated due to poor performance.

             The information technology assets that are procured usually carry a vendor warranty ranging from 1 to 3 years. Once the
             warranties expire, the Department may enter into a maintenance agreement with the relevant vendors depending on the
             kind of asset and its use.

              Details as to how asset holdings have changed over the period under review, including information on disposals,
              scrapping and loss due to theft.

               •   The Disposal Committee has been appointed by the Acting Director General and had a meeting to
                    dispose assets on 25 March 2021.
               •   Total number of 954 assets has been disposed to the value of R4 488 962,86.

              Measures taken to ensure that the Department’s asset register remained up to date during the period under review.

               •    All new assets received are barcoded and issued to the right owner. Yearly verification has been
                     conducted and the register been updated.

              The current state of the Department’s capital assets, for example what percentage is in good, fair or bad condition.

               •   All current assets are in a fair condition and poor condition assets have been disposed.

              Major maintenance projects that have been undertaken during the period under review.

               •  The Department has no maintenance plan, and all new laptops come with 3-year warranty from the

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