Page 184 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 184
2.2: Human resource priorities for the year under review general hygiene were distributed to all staff which the
and the impact of these priorities: Department believes was key in the effective
management of the virus in the workplace.
Re-alignment of Organisational Structure
The first key priority area during the period under review Like all countries, South Africa in general and the Public
was the realignment of the organisational structure to Service was not immune to the impact of the virus. The
the strategy. The Department took a holistic approach not Department had a total of 89 cases reported in the period
to review the structure in isolation from key under review and unfortunately, seven officials
dependencies in the value chain that would support an succumbed to the pandemic. At the end of the financial
effective organisation. The approach was therefore to year, the Department had no reported positive cases.
start with defining the Service Delivery Model, which has
been concluded, and to look at the leadership model that Reducing the vacancy rate to 10%
will support the structure. To this end, the Department For the Department to be fully effective, it is critical to fill
concluded that it would use a parenting leadership posts as soon as possible. An 8% vacancy rate was
approach to support the Social Development Sector achieved, notwithstanding all the demand to focus on
(Provinces and the Agencies). The Model has been areas affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. During the
accepted by all stakeholders in the Sector. This was period under review, the Department was required to
followed by an Ethics and Culture Survey to address both appoint 1 809 Social Workers to provide psychosocial
the morale of staff and more importantly to have an support to those affected by Covid-19. The model of
ethically driven Department. The outcomes of the Ethics employment required that the appointments be done at
and Culture Survey will be implemented in the next the National Department whilst the placement and
financial year whilst the draft Ethics Framework and management was the responsibility of Provincial
Strategy has been developed. Departments. The first phase of appointments was for
three months commencing in June and July 2020
The structure will be implemented once the two respectively and the second phase commenced in
outstanding processes are finalised which are the November and December 2020 until 31 March 2021.
Business Process Mapping and Work Measurement. These Notwithstanding the high demand and challenges
two activities together with what has been done already associated with such appointments, 1 076 social workers
is what the Department believes will be a solid were appointed for the two phases.
foundation for effective service delivery.
Bursaries and Internship Programme
Employee Health and Wellness In order to support human development in general,
The Covid-19 pandemic required a special focus and improve service delivery and provide experiential
approach in the way that DSD delivers its services and the learning with the view to increasing the opportunities to
way the Department operates. The Department adopted a enter the job market, the Department has diligently
Risk Adjusted Approach in the Management of Covid-19 implemented its Bursary and Internship Programme. A
in the Workplace. The point of departure was to conduct total of 84 officials were granted bursaries to improve
a risk assessment, develop a risk report and address all their qualifications. Despite the challenges experienced
the findings to make the work environment conducive. In due to Covid-19 and the extension of the academic year
addition, the Department had to comply with all the in some cases, 13 officials managed to complete their
rules, regulations, directives and circulars in the studies. In order to address the challenges regarding
management of the pandemic. youth unemployment, DPSA has introduced an internship
programme in Government. The Department successfully
The success in managing Covid-19 related issues in the hosted 41 interns whose contracts expired in April 2020.
workplace was to put in place a governance structure Monthly stipends were paid and ongoing training was
comprising of Employee Health and Wellness (EHW), provided in the workplace. An intern support group was
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Labour and other also established to address possible challenges. A new
stakeholders to ensure the proper management of same. group of interns will join the Department for a period of
The Department appointed three nursing staff on 24 months for the 2021/22 to 2022/23 financial years.
contract to support it in the new processes of screening,
social distancing, contact tracing and support to those Provide labour relations support
affected and infected by the virus. The reporting mechanism is integral to the monitoring
and evaluation process. The primary purpose for
The Department developed a protocol for the reporting is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiencies
management of Covid-19 in the workplace and issued of the employment relations strategies employed by the
regular communication to staff. Regular information on Department. The quarterly reporting is done through the
the fundamentals of sanitisation, social distancing and FOSAD Action Plan which is monitored by the
Department of Public Service and Administration. This is Performance appraisals is conducted on an annual basis
in compliance to the Minister of Public Service and and can be regarded as a larger process of linking
Administration (MPSA) performance agreement on the individual performance management and development to
management of discipline in the public service to: organisational performance. The performance assessment
• Finalizes at least 90% of all disciplinary cases tool that is used links to the Key Performance Areas
within the prescribed period of 90 days (case (KPA’s) and indicators as set out in performance
commences when first level supervisor becomes agreements (SMS) and work plans of officials. Mid-term
aware of the transgression); reviews are conducted and annual performance
• Captures all disciplinary cases on PERSAL to moderation committees convene annually to moderate
ensure reliability of the reports received and the performance of all qualifying officials and make
generated from the system; recommendation for performance incentives.
• Submits approved quarterly reports on
disciplinary cases to FOSAD. In order to ensure that all officials’ performance is
• Conducts trend analysis, and; monitored on an ongoing basis, the Department has a
• Implements preventative measures. formal Performance Management and Development
System (PMDS) in place. All staff complied with the
The purpose of the grievance procedure is to advance submission of Performance Agreements (PA) and the
sound labour relations and address grievances in the Annual Performance Assessment (APA) reports.
public service by fulfilling the primary objectives of this Pre-moderation and moderation processes were
procedure which are inter alia to give effect to section concluded for the branches and incentives implemented
196(4) (f) (ii) of the Constitution of the Republic of South before 31 December 2020 (Pay Progression and/or
Africa; to promote speedy, impartial and equitable Performance Bonuses). The Department remained within
handling of grievances at the lowest possible level. The the 0.75% allocation for the awarding of performance
bi-annual reporting is done for compliance purpose to the bonuses.
Public Service Commission that monitors and evaluate
the management of grievances in the public service. The 2.5: Employee Wellness Programmes:
duration for the resolution of grievances is 30 days and
45 days respectively unless parties agree on an extension As part of the role of being a strategic partner and
ensuring a conducive environment for employees, the
2.3: Workforce planning framework and key Department is implementing the four (4) pillars of the
strategies to attract and recruit a skilled and DPSA EHW Strategic Framework that include HIV/AIDS
and TB Management, Wellness Management, Health and
capable workforce: Productivity and SHERQ (Safety, Health, Environment,
Risk and Quality) Management. This is managed by a
Implementation of approved Sector Human Resource Plan: sub-directorate dedicated to health and wellness. With
The Department has finalised its sector strategy to guide regards to HIV/AIDS and TB, there is regular condom
the sectoral mandate. The Sector Human Resources Plan distribution, HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns as well as
was developed and is aligned with the Sector Strategy commemorating international calendar days like Candle
and has served before critical departments governance Light Memorial and World Aids Day.
structures and widely consulted with all Social
Development Provincial Departments. The Sector Human With regards to Health and Productivity Management,
Resources Plan has been approved and will be awareness is created amongst employees by inviting
implemented across Social Development Provincial experts in specific fields to provide information sessions
Departments. and arranging health risk screenings twice a year.
Financial management sessions are conducted annually
2.4: Employee performance management to provide employees with information that can assist in
framework: managing their finances. SHERQ Management is taken
care off through the nomination of safety representatives
Performance management involves planning, review, and the safety committee that meet on a regular basis.
evaluating, recognising and rewarding of performance.
Performance management within the Department of In terms of the last pillar of the strategy, Wellness
Social Development is a structured process and is Management, the two EHW practitioners who are
conducted within an approved framework that includes qualified social workers provide counselling and
adherence to legislative requirements such as the Public debriefing sessions to employees in need. Information
Service Act 1994 (as amended) as well as Part VIII of the sessions are conducted for all employees. Specialised
Public Service Regulations 2001 (as amended). The services are rendered through referrals to specialists at
requirement of Chapter 4 of the SMS handbook as well as the Department’s expense in line with the EHW Policy.
the approved DSD PMDS Policy are also taken into