Page 118 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 118

The NDA trained a total number of 1114 CSOs on institutional management and governance in an effort to prevent collapse of these
                                                  organisations.  These  suite  of  capacity  building  interventions  which  include  financial  management,  project  management  and
                                                  institutional governance, amongst others, have sharpened the civil society organisations as they play a fundamental role in fighting
                                                  poverty, unemployment and inequalities in poverty stricken communities.
                                                  The budget of R7,8 million set aside for grant funding has been fully utilised towards the funding of CSOs implementing a variety of
                                                  developmental projects on food security, sewing, early childhood development and a range of other income generation projects.
                                                  The NDA successfully implemented the CARA Programme. This programme is aimed at fighting the scourge of gender-based violence
                                                  and femicide through funding of 312 CSOs to the value of R85, 6million. Participating CSOs ensure that GBV survivors have improved
                                                  access to care, support, prevention services and quick access to the justice system.
                                                  The NDA implemented the volunteer programme in direct response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The NDA entered into a partnership with
                                                  200 CSOs to implement the Volunteer Programme that enlisted 2049 volunteers. The volunteer reached and interacted with over 211
                                                  171 households, distributed 73 581 food parcels to vulnerable households and assisted 171 289 people to apply for the Social Relief
                                                  of Distress grant in all 52 districts countrywide.
                                                                                                            PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
             Transfer payments to all organisations other than public entities
             The table below reflects the transfer payments made for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
              Transfer Payments  Type of          Purpose for which the funds were used   Did the dept.   Amount   Amount  Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity
 In an effort to generate empirical evidence for enhanced development policy and engage stakeholders as prescribed in the NDA Act The NDA   organisation  comply with  transferred  spent by the
 conducted the following research studies during the 2020-2021 financial year:          s 38 (1) (j) of   (R’000)   entity
 •   Behaviour Change and Modification in the wake of COVID-19 Strategies;                 the PFMA                (R’000)
 •   Requirements for Transforming the Civil Society Sector in South Africa;
 •   Creating Capacities and Building Capabilities for the Civil Society Sector in South Africa;  South African   Non-profit   Supporting the implementation of the   Yes  10 019  18 366 Expenditure includes funds rolled over from
 •   Analysis of Best Practices in ECD Centres in The Eastern Cape Province in The Context of Legislation and Policy; and  National AIDS   Organisation  National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and   the 2019/20 financial year. The allocation for
 •   The funding mechanisms for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in South Africa.  Council  STIs 2017-2022 (NSP) and to promote   the 2020/21 financial year is expected to be
 The NDA has conducted three evaluation studies on NDA CSO development programmes to assess and evaluate programme effectiveness,   and secure nationally in South Africa the   utilised until August 2021.
 efficiency, implementation as well as results. The monitoring and evaluation unit developed and enhanced systems, processes and tools that   provision of related educational,
 used to collect information for periodical assessment of projects and programmes implemented by the NDA.
                                                   prevention, care and treatment
                                                   programmes. To promote or advocate for
                                                   the human rights of people infected or
                                                   affected by HIV, TB and STIs.

              South African Drug   Non-profit       Management and maintenance of the           Yes      1 783     1 545 Unspent funds will be used to implement
              and Anxiety Group  Organisation      Substance Abuse Helpline and providing                                activities up to September 2021 when the
                                                   assistance to service users.                                          three (3) year funding period comes to an end.

              South African Council  Non-profit     Establishment of structures to render       Yes      1 811     1 741 Unspent funds relate to the 2020/21 funded
              on Alcoholism and   Organisation     aftercare services.                                                   activities which will be implemented up to
              Drug Dependence                                                                                            October 2021.

              National Peace     Non-profit         Providing Psychosocial Support              Yes        695       571 Unspent funds will be used to implement
              Accord Trust       Organisation      (Ecotherapy) for Military Veterans.                                   2020/21 activities until September 2021.

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