Page 189 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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           Table 3.1.3 Salaries, Overtime, Homeowners Allowance and Medical Aid by programme for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
                                                       Salaries                   Overtime                   Homeowners Allowance             Medical Aid
            Programme                         Amount    Salaries as a % of   Amount   Overtime as a % of   Amount      HOA as a % of   Amount    Medical aid as a
                                                         personnel costs               personnel costs                   personnel               % of personnel
                                                                                                                           costs                    costs
            P1 Administration                 174 658        85.40          650             0.30            3 633           1.80        6 859         3.20
            P3 Social Security Policy         45 988        83.00          1012            1.80             1 102           2           2 078        3.20
            & Administration
            P4 Welfare Services Policy Development   194 103  91.70        3 656           2.0              2 597          1.00         4 840        1.70
            & Implementation Support
            P5 Social Policy & Integrated     43 236        83.90           0               0              953.00          1.60         1 741        3.50

            Service Delivery
            Total                            457 985        85.90          5 318           1.00             8 284          1.60        15 517        2.90

            Table 3.1.4 Salaries, Overtime, Homeowners Allowance and Medical Aid by salary band for the period - 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021
                                                         Salaries                   Overtime                         Homeowners Allowance         Medical Aid
                                                             Salaries as   Amount    Overtime as a % of   Amount          % of         Amount      Medical aid
                                                Amount         a %of       (R’000)    personnel costs    (R’000)        personnel       (R’000)     as a % of
            Programme                           (R’000)    personnel costs                                               costs                    personnel costs

            02 Skilled (Levels 3-5)             13 607           3.50        71         263 324         263 324         263 324         1 537         8.20
            03 Highly skilled production (Levels 6-8)  80 047  19.70         252       416 190.00       416 190         416 190         7 274         6.90
            04 Highly skilled supervision (Levels 9-12)  167 581  36.50      239        815 146         815 146         815 146         5 350         2.70
            05 Senior management (Levels >= 13)  99 096        20.90         82        1 358 671.00    1 358 671        1 358 671       1 159          1
            10 Contract (Levels 1-2)             160             0            1         160 000         160 000         160 000           0            0
            11 Contract (Levels 3-5)            7 176           1.40         32         234 219         234 219         234 219          22           0.30
            12 Contract (Levels 6-8)            9 283           1.80         25         382 320         382 320         382 320          66           0.70
            13 Contract (Levels 9-12)           14 626          2.90         28         553 250         553 250         553 250          79           0.50
            14 Contract (Levels >= 13)          17 173          3.40         14         1 305 286      1 305 286        1 305 286        31           0.20
            18 Contract Other                    162             0            1         201 000         201 000         201 000           0            0
            19 Periodical Remuneration            0             9.20         51          36 000          36 000          36 000           0            0
            20 Abnormal Appointment             49 075         99.80        1 499       32 761.00        32 761          32 761           0            0
            Total                              457 985                     2 295.00    231 778.00       231 778         231 778         15 517        2.90

                                                                                   189                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
                                                                                                                                             ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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