Page 119 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 119



            Transfer payments to all organisations other than public entities
            The table below reflects the transfer payments made for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

             Transfer Payments  Type of        Purpose for which the funds were used   Did the dept.   Amount   Amount  Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity
                               organisation                                          comply with  transferred  spent by the
                                                                                     s 38 (1) (j) of   (R’000)  entity
                                                                                     the PFMA               (R’000)

             National Shelter   Non-profit    Conduct research on the implementation of   Yes       695       481        Unspent funds will be used to implement
             Movement          Organisation  victim empowerment services.                                               activities up to September 2021 when the
                                                                                                                        three (3) year funding period comes to an end.
             Lifeline South Africa  Non-profit   Provision of an Inter-sectoral helpline in   Yes   958       958        N/A
                               Organisation  response to violence against victims of crime
             National Institute   Non-profit   Provision of early trauma support following   Yes    1 686     1686       N/A
             Community         Organisation  incidences of violence, particularly against
             Development and                 women and children.

             Autism South Africa  Non-profit   Implementation of capacity building     Yes          1 003     985        The unspent funds will be utilised to
                               Organisation   strategies.                                                               implement all outstanding activities up to
                                                                                                                        December 2021.
             South African     Non-profit      Implementation of video remote          Yes          669       349        Unspent funds will be used to implement the
             National Deaf     Organisation   communication service provision for deaf                                  remaining funded activities until March 2022.
             Association                      persons.

             South African     Non-profit      Provision of capacity and empowerment to   Yes       891       445        Unspent funds will be utilised to finalise
             Federation for    Organisation   affiliated organisations                                                   remaining funded activities until March 2022.
             Mental Health

             DeafBlind South   Non-profit      Implementation of capacity building     Yes          669       244        Unspent funds will be utilised until December
             Africa            Organisation   strategies                                                                2021 to finalise funded activities.

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