Page 170 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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11 June DSD 2019/20 • The Social Development White Paper as the blueprint is not in place, the White
2020 Quarter 4 Paper needed to be fast-tracked.
performance; • Legal challenges over the validity of the lockdown regulations, the criteria for
Progress made to the SRD grants, and the reopening of the ECDCs requires DSD to continue to work
respond to Covid-19 closely with the national structures to ensure that coordination between local,
pandemic issues; provincial and national government is strengthened.
with Minister
25 June Implementation of • DSD was collaborating with the DBE, the Department of Health and other
2020 food distribution departments regarding the reopening of centres.
programmes: MECs • Capacity building training courses were directly despatched to the ECD centres. Both
and HODs briefing; registered and non-registered centres had been targeted, and the well-established
Update on progress centres had to help other centres to prepare for Covid-19 compliance.
made to respond to
Covid-19 pandemic
issues; with
08 July DSD, SASSA, NDA • DSD and its agencies reported to the committee on the reprioritisations made to their
2020 Covid-19 Special original budgets and revisions to their annual performance plans.
Adjustments • R25.473 billion was additionally allocated for the R350 grant and the top-up grant
Budget; with for a period of six months.
Deputy Minister • The budget allocation for ECD Infrastructure has been repurposed towards new ECD
centres as well as PPE procurement to ensure ECD centres prepare their sites for
reopening by facilitating the supply of essential goods necessary to support basic
health and hygiene practices at ECD sites.
• R23 million has been reprioritised from main programmes to fund the PPE
procurement for DSD facilities and for the National DSD Office.
• R33 million has been reprioritised from Goods and Services in Programme 4: Welfare
Services for the appointment of 1 809 social workers for a period of three months.
• DSD prioritised the electronic M&E System for the Social Sector. The digital M&E
system will collect real time data that feeds into a dashboard that tracks, monitors
and reports on DSD services during Covid-19 and beyond.
• DSD will design and implement an impact evaluation study of Covid-19 especially on
food distribution and the R350 Special Grant.
• SASSA received notice in June 2020 that the additional funding requested was not
approved and SASSA was advised to reprioritise its current allocation. The only
budget item that received additional funding is social grant transfers. SASSA has
made a special request to National Treasury to spend the uncommitted R530 million
from the 2018/19 retained cash surplus approved in 2019/20. The response from
Treasury is still pending.
• The Department has responded to all questions raised by Committee in previous
meetings in writing.
31 July Department of • DSD to continue submitting Covid-19 reports during the recess period would be
2020 Social considered.
Development • DSD to release the glossary of the provincial, district and local leaders that were
Covid-19 update; supporting food and ECD programmes.
with Minister • DSD to respond to the request for the litigation figures.