Page 266 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 266



            31 MARCH 2021

            3.   AID ASSISTANCE

                                                                  Note       2020/21        2019/20

                                                                               R’000          R’000

                    Opening Balance                                              116           1 561
                    Transferred from statement of financial performance        (19 421)        30 810
                    Transfers to or from retained funds                        25 000       (29 997)
                    Paid during the year                                        (116)        (2 258)
                    Closing Balance                                            5 579            116

                    The Department entered into an agreement with PACT SA to provide administrative assistance in
                    management of the Government to Government project that is funded by USAID. USAID funded
                    an amount of R12,714 million during the current financial year.

                    The closing balance of R5,579 million is made up of unspent funds on the USAID funded G2G
                    project amounting to R3,32 million and an amount of R2,259 million unspent funds from the KfW
                    donor funded project for the construction of secure care centres in Provinces.
                    The funds received by the department from the Criminal Asset Recovery Account. managed by the
                    Department of Justice and Constitutional Affairs is recorded as Aid Assistance and a surplus at the
                    end of the financial year is transferred to retained funds.

            3.1   Analysis of balance by source

                                                                  Note       2020/21         2019/20
                                                                               R’000           R’000

                    Aid assistance from RDP                                    5 579            116
                    Closing balance                                3           5 579            116

                    The Department entered into an agreement with PACT SA to provide administrative assistance in
                    management of the Government to Government project that is funded by USAID. An amount of
                    R12,714 million was transferred to the Department during current financial year.

            3.2   Analysis of balance

                                                                  Note       2020/21         2019/20

                                                                               R’000           R’000
                    Aid assistance unutilised                                  5 579            116
                    Closing balance                                3           5 579            116

                    The Department entered into an agreement with PACT SA to provide administrative assistance in
                    management of the Government to Government project that is funded by USAID. USAID funded
                    an amount of R12,714 million during current financial year.

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