Page 84 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 84


          Families and Social Crime Prevention (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome     Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs  Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020            2020/21         2020/2021        from 2020/21 target   the Annual Target

          Anti-Gangste Number of     N/A              Training on the (DSD)   Conduct      Target not       Session were not      Target has been revised due to
          rism Strategy  provinces                    Anti-Gangsterism      education and   achieved        conducted due to      Covid-19 and to prepare IT
          implemented reached through                 Strategy was conducted   awareness                    lockdown regulations   platforms to ensure that it can be
                       education and                  in four (4) provinces   sessions on                   and directives that   achieved using technology
                       awareness                      namely KZN, MP, NC and  Anti-Gangsterism              prohibited mass
                       sessions on                    LP. A report for trainings  Strategy in nine          gatherings and
                       anti-gangsteris                was produced.         provinces                       inter-provincial
                       m strategy                                                                           travelling.

          Reviewed     Integrated                     New Indicator         Review of the   The concept     The annual target was   Target has been revised due to
          Integrated   Social Crime   N/A                                   Integrated Social  document for   revised during the   Covid-19 and to prepare IT
          Social Crime  Prevention                                          Crime Prevention  reviewing of the   revision of the APP.  platforms to ensure that it can be
           Prevention   Strategy (ISCPS)                                    Strategy       Integrated Social                      achieved using technology
           Strategy    implemented                                                         Crime Prevention
           (ISCPS)                                                                         Strategy

           Capacitate   Number of                     The officials working in   Capacitate five   Approval to   The annual target was   Target has been revised  due to
           13 Public   public        N/A              Public Treatment      public treatment  implement     revised during the    Covid-19 and to prepare IT
           Treatment   treatment                      Centres, district offices   centres to   Universal     revision of the APP.  platforms to ensure that can be
           Centres to  centres                        and provincial offices in   Implement the   Treatment                        achieved using technology
           implement   capacitated to                 Kwa-Zulu Natal,       Universal      Curriculum (UTC)
           Universal   implement                      Gauteng, Free State,   Treatment     in               public
           Treatment   Universal                      Mpumalanga and Eastern  Curriculum.  treatment centers
           Curriculum  Treatment                      Cape were trained on all             was granted.
           Programme   Curriculum                     Universal Treatment
                       Programme.                     Curriculum Courses.

                                                      Piloting Framework was
                                                      developed and approved
                                                      for implementation in
                                                      the 2020/21 financial

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