Page 45 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 45

The Zeppelin Bend is very strong and secure when used to join similar ropes. It unties
  easily even after being under great strain.


  Four  of  the  bends  in  this  chapter—Ashley’s  Bend,  Butterfly  Bend,  Hunter’s  Bend,  and
  Zeppelin Bend—consist of Interlocking Overhand Knots. Although each of these knots
  can be tied without reference to their overhand structures, they are illustrated here for

  the sake of the completeness of these very superb bends. As you can see in the following
  illustration, an Overhand Knot has three internal openings that can interlock with other
  knots. Making an Overhand Knot at the end of one rope and then interlacing another
  Overhand through it can tie any of these bends.

     A right-handed Overhand Knot

     Hunter’s Bend

     Ashley’s Bend
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