Page 65 - Peter Randall - The Craft of the Knot
P. 65
Make the loop as far from the anchor point as needed to take out slack in the
standing part. Other loop knots can be used instead of the Slipped Figure Eight Knot,
such as the Directional Figure Eight or the Butterfly Loop (see Chapter 3 for both). The
Slipped Figure Eight Knot is used most often, as it is quick to tie and untie, and has a
strong lead that is not very damaging to rope.
The Wagoner’s Hitch is a leveraged hitch very similar to the Trucker’s Hitch. It needs
tension on it to stay secure, and it comes undone with just a shake.
STEP 1 Make a crossing turn, then grab a bight in the running end just below it.
STEP 2 Pull the bight of the running end through the crossing turn. This forms a lower
loop that the running end will pass through after it goes around an anchor point.